new carpet and bedroom progress!

October 8, 2013

Our new carpet is in! As you can see, Cleo is already enjoying it, as am I. When I wake up I feel like it’s an entirely different room.


While it was being installed I made a trip to IKEA with Meredith. I had fun shopping for some accessories (I’ll be posting more about that this week) and you can see a few of them here.


Once we got the room put back together David said, “Hey, the bed is looking good!” That made me happy because usually he couldn’t care less about my decor updates. I keep telling him that I have a vision and this is only the start.

It’s already come such a long way in just a few weeks, starting out like this:

bedroom before

And today it looks like this:


Now if you squint and imagine a beautiful crocheted blanket on top (which my mom has started – yay!), wooden nightstands with a matching lamp on each side, a pretty bench at the foot of the bed, some kind of headboard, and stuff on the walls…well, you can kind of see it, right? :)

Posted in: home

Comments on new carpet and bedroom progress!

  1. 1

    From Jeanna:

    Looks good! I can’t wait to see what you do with the space.

  2. 2

    From Krista:

    Love it! Looks so comfy and relaxing!

  3. 3

    From Kara:

    It looks amazing, i just want to roll around on it, lol! So jealous!

  4. 4

    From dad:

    I thought the dogs were banned from the new carpet!

  5. 5

    From kapachino:

    We close the hallway door when we’re not there now, but they can be on it when we’re around!

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