whole person health : starting out

May 6, 2014

whole person health

I consider myself a fairly healthy person overall, but some areas are definitely better than others. After having my second baby and changing jobs I really felt a change within myself. The extra time in my day and the lower-stress job I’m at now have made me feel like I have a whole new life. I really want to make the most of it. There are some habits that are very important to me that I haven’t been doing since before I had kids, and that needs to change because the kids aren’t going anywhere (I hope)!

Anyway, I’ve been making some adjustments in my life and have more planned to become a healthier, more whole person overall. I want to share with you my progress as I go, and hopefully some of you can relate. I’m going to focus on three key areas:

Spiritual – my relationship with God is the most important part of my life, but I have let it slip to the background.

Physical – I need to take care of this body, not only because it’s the only one I have, but because I want to feel good!

Emotional – this is a broad topic but for me the main issue is stress!

Thanks for listening as I work through these issues and get healthier! What are your problem areas? Have you made any changes lately or do you have any planned?

Posted in: health, health, natural living

Comments on whole person health : starting out

  1. 1

    From Sarah @ Beauty School Dropout:

    I can absolutely relate to all three of these! I feel like I manage my stress pretty well, but really I just take it out in weird ways like grinding my teeth at night. Not good! I am looking forward to following along with you as you figure out how to take better care of yourself as a mom of two. I need to do the same!

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    From Nora:

    Great idea!

    Physically- D and I bought a (used) Tread Climber on Craigslist near the end of March. This week marks our 7th consecutive week of working out 5-6 days a week and I finally feel better, see a difference and love the energy that I get from working out.

    Emotionally- oh, stress. how I loathe thee. Also: letting go of things. Every since I lost my mom I *know* that a lot of what bothers me is not worth it and most of the time I can just let it go, other times it holds on and I can’t shake it. Some of it has to do with things relate to D’s divorce (it’s so hard) and other times it’s work stuff. Stress causes me to have heartburn, be tired and also to clench/grind my teeth.

    And all of this is probably more than you wanted to know…. xo

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    From kapachino:

    Good for you for actually using your home exercise equipment! So many people just let it sit there!

    Have you found that since you started working out consistently your stress level is more under control? For me the stress is still there, but having a physical outlet really helps.

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