Posts By Author

Wii Came, Wii Saw, Wii Ate Cupcakes

June 28, 2010

Forgive me the title. I couldn’t resist. I’ve mentioned before that I’m a brand enthusiast & ambassador for Nintendo through Brand About Town, and this weekend they helped me host a party for some of my friends and family to celebrate the new Netflix streaming for Wii. Did you know that you can instantly stream thousands of Netflix movies through your Wii with only a disc, that they send you for free? Well you can, and seriously, do it. It rocks. Do you know what else rocks? Being a Nintendo enthusiast. Since I agreed to host this party (I know, it was a HUGE imposition) a super fun package showed up in the mail. Popcorn, candy (everything except the Junior…
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a behind-the-scenes look at kapachino through the eyes of one of her brothers

March 3, 2010

I thought it would be fun to start a series of guest posts written by some of my favorite writers, bloggers, and real-life people. Today you hear from the older of my two younger brothers, David. When he feels like it, he blogs about design, sports, music, horror movies – or any combination thereof. He told me I wasn’t allowed to edit what he wrote, which is too bad because if I could I would totally remove the picture of me with bangs (that was a bad life decision) and not go so overboard with the compliments (how embarrassing). He is an amazing guy himself, and will always be the best friend of my childhood. Enjoy! *** If you know…
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