Posts About domestication

easy meal planning

September 9, 2014

My adventure with cooking, meal planning, eating healthy, and providing for my family has been one of the more difficult aspects of adulthood for me. There is still so much that I have to learn, but one area that I have become pretty comfortable with lately is meal planning. Today I’m sharing the easy, low-stress way I approach it. Frequency Right now it works best for us to meal plan only a week at a time. Yes, I have to do it more often, but right now we don’t have much freezer space and so we’re at the grocery store once a week anyway. Planning weekly is also much less overwhelming to me. We have a lot of random dinners…
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my new life management notebook

August 11, 2014

I think I’ve finally found a life management notebook that is going to work for me. If you’ve been reading for any amount of time you know that I love digital management for the big stuff (mainly iCal for my planner and the Things app for my to-dos and project tasks) but I also find paper and pen very helpful for some things. That led to me trying out a bullet journal, which was pretty effective, but it wasn’t perfect for me. Enter the Discbound system from Staples! I totally researched and purchased all of this on my own but I’m loving it and want to share. So the cool thing about this is that it is flexible like a 3-ring…
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baked oatmeal

December 11, 2013

Hey let’s have a rare post about food from me, shall we? I always struggle with what to eat for breakfast. It has to be fairly filling (enough to get me through at least 4 hours without my stomach growling), easy to make or heat up in the morning, and portable because I eat on my drive. For a long time I ate refrigerator oatmeal which really is delicious and perfect for my requirements, but I ran into a big problem with it once I got pregnant and that is that I can no longer tolerate very much dairy! Refrigerator oatmeal calls for milk AND Greek yogurt which is just too much. So then I tried making ahead breakfast sandwiches…
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guest post : the pursuit of being a better money manager

October 2, 2013

Hi friends! Today’s post comes to you from my blog friend Stephany. She’s talking about something that is constantly on my mind: money management. I don’t get into it much here, but with a mortgage, lots of bills, one kid in daycare and another on the way, money can be tight and our dream is to overcome the worry that comes along with that and get to a place where we can give freely to causes we believe in. It’s a tough road though, and I always appreciate reading other people’s perspectives on it! Read more from Stephany on her blog. I was aware from a young age that my parents struggled with their finances. My dad worked the late…
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on time & task management

May 23, 2013

Today I want to talk about how, as a working mom with a toddler, I ever get anything done other than surviving each day. Don’t get me wrong, just surviving from one day to the next can feel like a major accomplishment sometimes, and it totally is. But I also know that my life is enriched and I am a better wife, mother, and person when I am able to do extra stuff as well. I was inspired to write about this topic when I read this post from Pink Ronnie and this post from Elise Blaha Cripe. They have some great tips and it was super helpful for me to read their perspectives, but they are both able to…
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