Posts About thoughts

congratulations, woob

December 19, 2007

I can’t believe that you have actually graduated from college. In my mind you’re still the little boy who was obsessed with baseball, slept in all those weird positions, let me kiss his tummy, and wanted to be called a new nickname every day. I guess you’re still obsessed with baseball and sleep in weird positions, but now I just pat your tummy and only one nickname has really stuck. Sorry for all the games we played back then where it was David and me versus you. Sorry for the hideous buzz cut we gave you that is commemorated in our uncle’s wedding pictures, and sorry for “dropping the attic stairs on your head.” (You know what the quotes are…
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December 14, 2007

Not that anyone is reading this anymore, but just in case, I wanted to let you know that I’m headed to Lubbock for the weekend to watch my youngest brother graduate from Texas Tech. THAT makes me feel old. Anyway, I’ll be back early next week to continue posting for my own benefit.

things i want to do instead of studying right now

December 10, 2007

1. Sleep 2. Eat 3. Shop 4. Crossword puzzle 5. Read 6. Play with Cleo 7. Make Christmas cards 8. Clean 9. Download random applications for my computer 10. Blog…oops. I gave in. One more final to go. It’s tomorrow at noon in case anyone wants to say a prayer.

hello again

December 2, 2007

Hi. Yes, it’s me. Thank you to those of you who are still reading this. If you are wondering what I’ve been up to, the answer is: school and work, mainly. If I’m not at school or doing something for school, I’m probably working, because I have no money. Well, now I have a little money, but not much. OK, I’ve been doing a tiny bit more than that, like spending time with my boyfriend and my family, running, reading, cleaning, and cooking, but mainly it’s been school and work. So I’ve been thinking about updating here, and earlier today I had a whole list of things to post about. But then I went and bought a ton of supplies…
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so responsible

November 19, 2007

My youngest brother Barry is graduating from Texas Tech in December. He was at the game on Saturday when Tech beat Oklahoma. Afterwards he called my dad and said (roughly): “Dad, you’ll be so proud of me. I didn’t rush the field right at first because the cops were arresting people and I didn’t want to get arrested right before I graduate. So I waited for the second wave of people to rush the field once the cops had been overwhelmed and were just letting everyone go!” My roommate’s younger brother is Barry’s roommate, and when she asked him about rushing the field he said, “Nah, if I’m going to get arrested in Lubbock it’s going to be for something…
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