Posts Tagged ‘101 in 1001

How We’re (Eventually) Going Green

April 22, 2010

Number 85 on my 101 in 1001 list says: Make an achievable plan of steps to take to have a more environmentally friendly life. Since today is Earth Day, I figured now is a good time to make that list! But first, here are some things we already do: -Recycle cardboard, paper, aluminum, plastic -Drive a hybrid vehicle -Use cold water for laundry & dishes -Minimize use of electricity & use energy efficient bulbs -Use cloth bags for groceries -Drink out of reusable mugs for coffee -Water lawn at night -Buy used when possible Now for the list: Holidays -Put up a real, locally grown tree each year -Make my own cards -Buy energy efficient outdoor LED lights -Choose experiential…
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Goals Update

March 22, 2010

On Saturday I got the urge to spend some serious time being productive and working on, among other things, my 101 goals. Don’t you love it when you get in those moods? Unfortunately I had to work all weekend, and then the weather turned nasty which greatly changed my desires. I ended up spending Saturday night curled on the couch reading and watching basketball with David. Since I couldn’t actually be productive, I decided to plan my productivity instead. But first, I wanted to update you on a few of the goals I’ve checked off since the last time we talked about this. #25: Back up all of my computer files. This is the external hard drive that I bought…
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#41. Attend A Messiah Sing-a-long

December 13, 2009

Or, How I Met My New Best Friend. I wanted to go to a sing-a-long of Handel’s Messiah because I sang it for four years in college when I was in choir, and I miss it. I wasn’t even going to blog about this event, but that was before I sat next to Gladys. My mom and I were looking for the soprano section, as there were no signs and it wasn’t our church. I noticed that many of the people had on maroon collared shirts, so I figured they must be the church choir. We walked up to one of the rows and were pleasantly surprised that we had found the right place. Gladys graciously scootched herself over to…
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#87: Complete NaBloPoMo

November 30, 2009

Today is the last day of November, and the last of my daily posts. I’ll be honest; there were times that it was a strain. I went through a lull in motivation about halfway through, but then I learned to plan ahead a little bit and came in strong for the finish. I challenged myself to be creative, to just write something even if it wasn’t great, and I did it. As cliche as it sounds, I do have a sense of satisfaction in completing this task. Posting every day isn’t something that is a priority for me to continue, but I have gotten into the habit and I think I’ll be a lot more frequent than I used to…
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Relinquishing Goal 26

November 28, 2009

Number 26 on my 101 goals list is to learn CSS/HTML/PHP well enough to design and run my website independently. After much thought, equivocating, and some internal growth on my part I have decided to intentionally NOT complete this goal. The reason it ended up on the list in the first place is because I am committed to my blog and I like it so much better when it looks nice. I admit it, when I visit a new blog I totally judge its appearance. I won’t not read a blog if it’s badly designed, but if I like the way it looks then it has a higher chance of succeeding with me. I’m sure other peopleĀ are the same way….
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