Posts Tagged ‘David

A Competitive Sport

April 26, 2010

Over the weekend David and I found ourselves discussing our respective domestic chores. Since we were left with nothing but applesauce, hummus, and pickles in our fridge, it was time to go shopping. After a brief discussion about what we needed David said to me, “You’ve let us run out of some things lately.” Feeling an assault on my wifely skills, I immediately responded on the offensive. “Who do you think cleans the house and does your laundry? Who is planning this week’s meals and is going shopping?” He came right back with, “Who cleaned the floors the other day? And you may go on a big shopping trip once every two weeks, but I buy a lot of little…
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Birthday Week Begins

February 1, 2010

Much to my husband’s chagrin, I insist on celebrating my birthday for an entire week every year. The first couple of times he thought it was cute, but when I reminded him of it this year he said, “You’re still doing that??” Yes, yes I am. And it started yesterday. The boy’s not stupid though; he presented me with these first thing this morning: Pretty flowers make me happy. So the basics of birthday week are that I get to indulge in whatever I want all week long without feeling guilty, and I get to choose whatever activities I want for the week and David must comply. Genius, right? I know I’ll probably gain about ten pounds, but it’s so…
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Yesterday Was Depressing, And I’m Not Talking About the UT Game

January 8, 2010

Yesterday was my amazing husband’s birthday, and I wanted to make it a happy one for him even though I had to work 12 hours and we aren’t “celebrating” until tonight. I woke up in a great mood, decorated a bit, left his personal gift from me out for him to find when he woke up, and headed to work. He loved the gift and had a great day at work. I was trying to keep in touch with him and be extremely positive, but around noon some things started happening that made it hard for me to do that. I could draw these stories out and make you cry, because I certainly did, but I don’t want to be…
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The Day After

November 27, 2009

I woke up at 9:30 a.m. today, and that is approximately eleven hours of glorious sleep. The only reason I even left the bed was because my husband got up, and I couldn’t bear the cold room without his warm body next to me. I have mentioned that I have refused to turn the heat on in the house, right? But did I also say that my husband still insists on turning the fan on full blast at night? Waking up is a beast. So after a hot shower I promptly planted myself in our recliner by the fire, underneath a blanket, and commenced reading. Four days ago I realized that the library book I checked out for book club,…
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Fantasy, Science Fiction, Edward Cullen, and Why I Love Them

November 10, 2009

Last night David was browsing the Internet, and he (don’t ask me how) ended up on a YouTube video about the best Sith Lords. Don’t bother watching it though, because it’s just a few pictures of Dark Nihilus and Dark Revan set to four minutes of music, asking you to comment with your favorite Siths. (And we’re talking Star Wars here, just to be clear.) David was fascinated. He started reading the comments and quoting them to me. Example: Nihilus hands down. Revan had powerful control of the Force but he also had a massive military at his side for his conquests. Vader is a pawn of the Emperor and has no real control but is still strong. The rest…
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