Posts Tagged ‘love and marriage

Spring Break, Where Did You Go?

March 19, 2008

Dear friends, Hello, how is everyone doing today? I’m great, thank you. The internet is still not working at the house I’m staying at, so I’m writing from school. Today I have a test, a quiz, a presentation, and a paper due. I’ll be glad when it’s all over. Since I haven’t been able to be in touch, I’m going to let you in on what has been going on with me. I guess I’m somewhat stressed out with all the stuff going on in my life, because lately I’ve just been crying at random times, over something that seems trivial. But I haven’t cried in the past two days, so things are looking up! I finally found the perfect…
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Busy Bee

February 25, 2008

Since I wrote last I: Hosted a Pampered Chef party and scored over $200 of free products Went to the doctor and got a physical, a blood test, a TB skin test, and a tetanus booster (I’ve pretty much conquered my fear of needles) Visited 4 possible ceremony/reception venues and ruled out 3 of them Tried on some wedding dresses and decided that I definitely need to tone up my arms Finished the book The Friday Night Knitting Club – it was alright Watched the Academy Awards on fast forward and stayed up too late doing so Now I need to get myself to bed ASAP…another 12-hour shift coming up!

My Most Prized Possession…

February 11, 2008

…used to be my computer. Now it’s this: Every year the youth group at my church puts on a “Sweetheart Banquet” as a fundraiser for the summer mission trip. Last year David and I attended together and even though we had been dating for a few weeks beforehand, it was the first night that I realized I was truly interested in a relationship with him as a potentially serious thing. David and I spent the entire day together Saturday at his house doing schoolwork. In the evening as we were getting ready for the Sweetheart Banquet his dad called to ask if we would swing by their house on our way to the church to let out their dog, Niko….
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One Year

January 28, 2008

Yesterday David and I, as a couple, turned one. It was the anniversary of our first date. We had decided not to spend much money on gifts, because we just had Christmas, both of our birthdays are around this time, and Valentine’s Day is coming up as well. But when I first saw him at church, he had these for me, along with a really sweet card: (There are twelve of them.) We spent the afternoon together doing some romantic things that I loved and may talk about at a later date. But for now I will just say that we decided that our next dog will be an English Bulldog named Cobbler. :) In the evening we went back…
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Back To School Encounter

January 9, 2008

It was back to school today, my last first day of school. We had a really good lecture about cellular anoxia and hemodynamic monitoring, but I will spare you the details of that. Instead, let’s review the following conversation that I had with one of my classmates. *** E: So did you get anything really great for Christmas, did you get engaged or anything? Me: Not yet. E: Sucks, doesn’t it? I was sooo disappointed. Me: Oh, were you expecting it? E: Yes, and he gave me a ring, too! In front of his whole family. I was so excited, all ready to say yes, and when I opened the box it was this ugly ring, and it was missing…
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