Posts Tagged ‘nursing

Catching Up

November 13, 2008

Hey friends! I’ve been AWOL for awhile again, so since I have the day off I figured it was a good time to let you know what’s been going on. David and I are still looking for a house to buy. I really want one in an established neighborhood with trees and an either side-entry or detached garage. And we’re looking in a certain area of town, in a certain price range, so it is proving to be a little difficult. We’re trying to be patient though, because we want to buy one we really love! In the meantime, we have moved in with a friend of the family who goes to our church. Her children are just a little…
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November 1, 2008

I was in an elderly patient’s room this morning giving her medications. She was complaining to me about how she drank her coffee too hot and it burned her tongue. Then she asked me, “Will you brush my teeth? Maybe that will help it feel better.” “Of course,” I replied, since she has difficulty caring for herself. So I went into the bathroom, got her toothbrush and toothpaste, then came back to the bedside. She had popped her dentures out and handed them to me. Was not expecting that one. Aaaand, that is another activity I can add to the list of Things About Nursing That Make Me Gag. P.S. I still love my job.


September 29, 2008

I just got a call at work today from the husband of a woman I took care of almost every day for a month, who we sent to hospice last week. She passed away this morning, only 43 years old. I’m so glad she’s not in pain anymore, but I keep picturing her husband at her bedside, sweetly taking care of her. One time I came in the room to see her sleeping, but propped up on the table in front of her was a card that said “Honey” on it for her to read when she woke up, while he sat and watched over her. He doted on her. And I’m getting married in four days and boarding a…
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Making It

September 25, 2008

I wish I had more time to update you, but my goodness life is a whirlwind right now. Last night I went to David’s for the evening and it was the first time we’d seen each other in four days. We watched DVDs of “The Office,” indulged in chicken fried rice, and worked on wedding favors. I really needed a night like that. The wedding is in eight days – wow, my heart just started pounding – and somehow I think everything is going to come together. There are still a bunch of details to get out of the way, but thankfully I have this weekend off. Although I do have to work three days next week. Speaking of work, it…
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My First Hurricane

September 14, 2008

When I was younger and I first learned that my mom had lived through a hurricane, I was in awe. I couldn’t believe she had survived. I think that in my mind, hurricanes were more like massive tornados. Nowadays, we have hurricanes in the gulf like every other week. If one comes our way, to most people my age it is an excuse to get off work and have a hurricane party. Unfortunately, if you work in a hospital that is not the case. I’m a member of the “ride-out” team on my unit, which meant that when I went to work on Friday, I packed a suitcase and wasn’t allowed to leave. I was told that I had to…
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