Posts Tagged ‘nursing

I’m Actually Going To Do This Nurse Thing!

March 13, 2008

Well there’s one less thing on my mind now… I was hired yesterday at The Methodist Hospital as a graduate nurse on the oncology unit. I am SO excited. It’s perfect for me: oncology, eight-hour day shifts, and a great company (#10 on the Fortune 100 best companies to work for). I start June 2! Of course, I have to graduate first. I think it was the easiest interview of all time. In fact, I’m pretty sure they knew they were going to give me an offer before I came in. The manager asked me one question (why do you want to do oncology?), told me about the unit, and gave me the job. I told her I would talk…
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Another Reason

March 7, 2008

As part of my clinical experience at The Methodist Hospital this semester, everyone in my class who is assigned there comes together every other week for a conference. During this time we have a lecturer on a specified topic, and then 5-6 students per week discuss an issue they have encountered during their time there.  Today’s lecture was on end-of-life and palliative care. This is something I am extremely passionate about. I remember when we had to watch the movie Wit in class a year ago, and I had to keep myself from completely losing it. I think I’ve written here before that for some reason I am drawn to the patients who are nearing end-of-life or who are dealing with…
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The Job Hunt Begins

March 5, 2008

I heard on the radio this morning that nursing is the #2 most wanted profession in the U.S. So surely I will be able to find a job that I like, right? Right? So far I have applied to three hospitals: St. Luke’s, Methodist, and M.D. Anderson. They are all in the medical center. Let me tell you a little something about the medical center. If you live in Katy, it SUCKS.  This is my drive right now: View Larger Map This will be my drive once I’m married and move in with David: View Larger Map I fill my tank up with gas about once a week already. And that road that I drive down? Is an expensive tollway. Not to…
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Super Tuesday?

February 6, 2008

In the weeks leading up to “Super Tuesday”, whenever I heard the day spoken of in such a way I would smile to myself because the day happened also to be my birthday. I liked to think that that was the real reason it was super. As I mentioned before, I’ve decided to give up sweets for Lent, which starts today. That made Super Tuesday Fat Tuesday as well. My plan was to basically wallow in chocolate the entire day. I figured that would be a good way to celebrate. Unfortunately I needed to take advantage of the opportunity to work a clinical shift yesterday, so instead I spent the day in the ICU sucking out churned-up stomach contents through…
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Thirteen Things

January 30, 2008

1. My day in the ICU yesterday was kind of boring. Both of my patients had brain aneurysms. They were awake, alert, mobile, and for the most part independent. That means there wasn’t a whole lot for us to do for them. 2. One of the patients was a woman from Baton Rouge, a really sweet lady, and I loved her Cajun accent. She hugged me when I said goodbye to her. 3. The other was a nice man who would have talked to me all day long if I’d let him. Once he found out that I majored in Christian ministry for my first degree, he told me his whole life story. It was very interesting, but for the…
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