Posts Tagged ‘nursing

How About A Little Discretion

April 17, 2007

I’ve been putting in some half-days at the cancer center where I worked for two years before starting nursing school. Sometimes, funny things happen there. For example: A patient had an HIV blood test ordered, among other things, and when he went to the lab to get it done, one of our lab techs (a spacey woman who lacks common sense sometimes) called out down the hall to the other tech loud enough for anyone around to hear, “I need an HIV test run on that one!” The patient was understandably upset, and complained to his doctor. The doctor came into the exam area and started telling us about it. He said, “You just don’t do that kind of thing!…
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In Which I Discuss School and Give You Something Funny To Read

March 20, 2007

Last night I had a dream in which I was having a conversation, in Spanish no less, with a hybrid of a puppy and a goat. In the same dream I was also applying to graduate school. I personally think that if I am able to have a Spanish conversation with a puppygoat then I should be able to get into grad school. I am not sure exactly what this dream means, but I tend to lean towards the interpretation that it shows how I am losing my mind due to school. If I ever go a few days without posting, it is a safe bet that I am overwhelmed with schoolwork. I was so happy this morning after the…
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What Do You Want To Be When You Grow Up?

March 6, 2007

Whenever I get to talking about school with anyone, one of the first questions they ask me is, “What kind of nurse do you want to be?” So I just want to go on record here and say that as of right now, the answer is “I don’t know.” But I can tell you that I have had some experiences lately that have me leaning in a way I never thought I would. Last week I had a patient who was 84 years old, hospitalized for a severe urinary tract infection that got into her blood. She was very confused and helpless. She could hardly do anything for herself. She was wearing diapers because she could no longer control her…
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The Consequences of Being a Nursing Student

February 27, 2007

I just wanted to keep you all up-to-date on my ongoing toenail saga that began way back in November. For those that are just tuning in, the week of Thanksgiving I was playing in an outdoor soccer game and my right toe encountered some kind of trauma that caused blood to pool up and dry underneath half of the toenail. This was painful for a day, but then it was just unsightly. It promised to be unsightly for another 6-8 months as well, until the toenail grew out. Then I was so proud of myself when I got a nice pedicure that successfully covered up nearly all traces of the blot. You can’t even tell! Well, anyway, things were going great like…
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