Posts Tagged ‘pcos

so about that…

February 15, 2010

Thanks everyone for all of your comments and congratulations! I was overwhelmed with happiness at all the support. I actually published that post on accident, so it’s a good thing we weren’t planning on keeping our news a secret. :) I don’t plan on blogging about pregnancy stuff a whole lot, so I figured I’d address some things up front for those of you who may be curious. First of all, David and I have been trying to conceive for over a year. Because of my irregularities (now explained by PCOS) I knew we would have a difficult time, but it didn’t make it any easier to experience. We’re blessed that we didn’t end up having to go through fertility…
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growing a human

February 13, 2010

Last week I visited a reproductive endocrinologist to begin fertility treatment. After a long consultation, the doctor said we’d start by doing an ultrasound to see if there are any abnormalities. There were two. First of all, like she thought, I have polycystic ovary syndrome, which explained a lot. Secondly, there was this: Yep, I’m pregnant! It’s just a little blob, but it’s ours. I’m only five and a half weeks along, with a tentative due date of October 12. I have zero symptoms, and it doesn’t feel real – I guess it is, though. I don’t know the first thing about this except for what I remember from nursing school, which isn’t much. Women have been doing this from…
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