Posts Tagged ‘recipes

Chicken and Dumplings

August 7, 2009

Here is a recipe that I used to complete my goal of cooking dinner 4 times in 4 weeks. (Don’t judge, I have to start somewhere!) This was one of my husband’s favorite meals so in order to learn exactly how to make it, I asked his mom to come over and cook it with me for the first time. It turned out so good that I decided to make it again today, only a couple of weeks later. Ingredients: Chicken 1-2 pounds of chicken tenders (or whatever kind of chicken you like) 1 cup Bisquick 2 teaspoons salt 1 teaspoon paprika 1/4 teaspoon pepper Vegetable oil 1 26-ounce can cream of chicken soup Ingredients: Dumplings 2 1/4 cups Bisquick…
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