Posts Tagged ‘School

bad and good

January 23, 2008

The bad: >The aforementioned friendship troubles. No updates there yet. >The relay team that I’m supposed to be in charge of is falling apart. >Finding time to fit in class, work, clinical, studying, soccer games, book club, applying for jobs, running, and relationships. The good: >I love David, and he loves me. Our one-year anniversary is on Sunday. >Being a nurse is great, and so is my clinical in the surgical ICU. >Things to look forward to: anniversary, birthday, Over the Rhine concert, Valentine’s Day. >Cleo is the best dog ever, and I am her favorite person of all. Just a quick update because I don’t have much time this week.

trying to respond

January 21, 2008

I am such an avoider of conflict. It’s really not that great of a characteristic. I am having a very hard time dealing with this situation with my friend. The conflict was thrust upon me, and now I have to respond. The last time we spoke I wasn’t prepared, and things were left in a bad place. Since I didn’t know when I would see her again, I ended up leaving her a letter to read. It was honest and at the same time caring, but I’m worried that she will just see it as judgment and intolerance and miss the love. I’m doing what I can, but it’s hard. In other news, I have my first clinical tomorrow. A…
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Back To School Encounter

January 9, 2008

It was back to school today, my last first day of school. We had a really good lecture about cellular anoxia and hemodynamic monitoring, but I will spare you the details of that. Instead, let’s review the following conversation that I had with one of my classmates. *** E: So did you get anything really great for Christmas, did you get engaged or anything? Me: Not yet. E: Sucks, doesn’t it? I was sooo disappointed. Me: Oh, were you expecting it? E: Yes, and he gave me a ring, too! In front of his whole family. I was so excited, all ready to say yes, and when I opened the box it was this ugly ring, and it was missing…
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Making The Grade (Or Not)

December 10, 2007

I took the final in my pediatric nursing class this morning. This is a class that I disliked the entire way through, and which had a reputation for being very difficult. I got a low B on the first test, freaked out, and then worked really hard the rest of the semester and pulled off low A’s on the next two tests and a perfect score on a group presentation. The way things stood, if I got a 91 on the final this morning, I would get an A in the class. Well, the grades were just posted, and I got a 90. Talk about frustrating to a perfectionist like me. As soon as I found out my grade I…
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things i want to do instead of studying right now

December 10, 2007

1. Sleep 2. Eat 3. Shop 4. Crossword puzzle 5. Read 6. Play with Cleo 7. Make Christmas cards 8. Clean 9. Download random applications for my computer 10. Blog…oops. I gave in. One more final to go. It’s tomorrow at noon in case anyone wants to say a prayer.