Posts Tagged ‘whole30

whole30 : one month later

August 14, 2014

It’s been about a month since I completed my first whole30. I thought it was a good time to check in and share what I’m eating + how I’m feeling nowadays. Whole30 was so good for me, and I got immediate results, but the goal was to change my life for good – so if I went right back to my old habits it wouldn’t have been worth it. So far, though, it definitely has been! This is what I am eating lately: Breakfast I have the same breakfast now that I did while on whole30. I fry or scramble five eggs (Meredith usually eats about two of them, but if she doesn’t I eat them all – I love…
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whole30 afterthoughts

July 24, 2014

Today I’m going to share with you the results of my whole30 experiment, plus a bunch of other thoughts and things I learned along the way. I hope that this will encourage anyone who is thinking about it to consider giving it a try! And if you are planning your first whole30 and, like I was, are searching online for success stories and tips, I urge you to reach out to me and I will help as best I can! I want you to know up front that it was definitely not as scary or as hard as I expected it to be. Now for the rundown! What my life used to be like: So, I wasn’t a total mess. I…
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whole30 week four // completed!!

July 16, 2014

Previous updates: week one / week two / week three I’m here with my last food diary update for the whole30! In this post I’m going to finish detailing what I ate and how I felt day to day, and then next week I’ve got a big recap for you about my thoughts on the entire experience. This is a bit longer than usual because it has nine days to it. Day 22 Breakfast: three fried eggs, banana/blueberry/coconut flake mix, cold-brew coffee with coconut milk Lunch: salad with shredded chicken and strawberries with an olive oil + raspberry balsamic dressing, and a fruit medley Snack: Larabar Dinner: baked chicken tenders dipped in mustard, a salad with tomato and olive oil + balsamic dressing, and a peach. Omg those…
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whole30 week three

July 7, 2014

Previous updates: week one / week two Day 15 Breakfast: three fried eggs, banana/blueberry/coconut flake mix, cold-brew coffee with coconut milk Lunch: leftover Dijon chicken thigh (it was not that great reheated), broccoli, fruit salad Snack: nuts and a few pieces of dried apricot Dinner: I had a church book club to go to so I didn’t have time to cook. I put some seasoned ground turkey (leftover – ate it cold) and diced apple on a bunch of salad greens and used olive oil + raspberry balsamic as dressing. It was so good! Also had more fruit salad. At book club I tried a peach/pear flavored carbonated water. Yuck – couldn’t do it. I felt: my cold has been lingering for a week now,…
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whole30 week two

June 30, 2014

Read about week one here. Day 8 Breakfast: three scrambled eggs, banana/blueberry/coconut flake mix, black coffee (I liked it better this time) Lunch: leftover chili, salad with tomatoes Snack: none Dinner: a fake chicken marsala with local (no-sugar-added) bacon, and a side of broccoli. My husband liked the chicken but I was disappointed in the whole thing. I bet it’s a really good recipe if you use wine (I subbed chicken broth), regular bacon, and butter, so I’ll try it again when I can have that stuff. This was my first time cooking this kind of bacon and it was really different. I had an apple for dessert. I felt: pretty tired after work again. I did a 20-minute fairly easy yoga session, and my…
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