Not Just For Mothers

July 31, 2007

I was at work stuffing envelopes today with a bunch of my coworkers, just listening to the conversation. At the end of each month we have to send out heaps of checks to creditors and it takes a couple of hours to get them all folded and put into envelopes, even with a bunch of us working on it. No one really likes doing it, but we try to enjoy it as best we can. Usually I just observe and come away with a funny story or conversation that I have overheard, like the time I listened to one lady relating the story of her first experience buying condoms over the weekend.

Today, however, was different. Today I was educated. Today I learned all about the science of coupon cutting.

One of my coworkers is ALL into it. She buys at least three Sunday papers, goes through the coupons, organizes them into a binder, and then watches the sales. She taught us how to get free products, how to work each individual store, what each different kind of coupon means, and lots of other tidbits. Our favorite story was how she was able to get 40 tubs of butter for free. What she did with 40 tubs of butter is beside the point. Everyone at the table was riveted! We even asked her to do a lunch-hour workshop on the subject.

I know that coupon cutting is like the ultimate in domestic, old, and uncool. But I can’t help it–I’m picking up a Sunday paper.

Posted in: personal, domestication, personal

Comments on Not Just For Mothers

  1. 1

    From Tabaitha:

    I used to think that coupon cutting was something that only mom’s did. I remember my mom having her coupon organizer and she would bring it with her to the grocery store every Saturday. Once I got married, I realized that why it may take a small amount of time, cutting coupons pays off. I get excited when I save money.

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