I can’t believe that you have actually graduated from college. In my mind you’re still the little boy who was obsessed with baseball, slept in all those weird positions, let me kiss his tummy, and wanted to be called a new nickname every day. I guess you’re still obsessed with baseball and sleep in weird positions, but now I just pat your tummy and only one nickname has really stuck. Sorry for all the games we played back then where it was David and me versus you. Sorry for the hideous buzz cut we gave you that is commemorated in our uncle’s wedding pictures, and sorry for “dropping the attic stairs on your head.” (You know what the quotes are for.)
It wasn’t until I went off to college that I began to realize how great you are. I remember David telling me once, “Barry is actually really funny!” as if we were both having this epiphany about who you had become, even though we lived with you for so many years. It makes me really happy that you two are now best friends. As the only girl I don’t expect to share the same relationship, but I hope you know that I would do anything for you, I’m really good to talk to if you ever need someone, and I will always be your friend as well as your sister.
Basically, what I want to say is that I think you’re really cool and I’m glad I get to hang around you. It makes me feel cool by association. Also, I’m proud of you, little brother.
From Ro:
Whoa! Summa cum laude.. that’s fantastic! congratulations to your brother :)