Why I Don’t Like Politics

January 11, 2008

So there’s some political stuff going on in the country. You may have noticed. One thing I have come to learn about myself over the past few years is that I don’t like politics. At all. Lately I’ve been wondering why, and this is what I’ve come up with:

1. I am competitive by nature, and I don’t really like that about myself. I don’t like the way I feel or view others when I get caught up in a competition. I’ve been trying to be better and learn to deal with this, because I want to be able to enjoy games and have healthy discussions with no hard feelings. But in the sphere of politics, there are so many places to disagree, therefore so much room for argument. So I’ve just avoided it.

2. Because I’ve avoided it for so long, I don’t really know anything about it. I don’t know much about any of the candidates, or really much of what is going on in the country, or even what I think and why. So I find myself disagreeing with everyone simply because I want to keep an open mind.

3. I don’t like confrontation or fighting of any kind. Especially when I’m involved. I just want everyone to get along!

Last fall I had a conversation with one of my best friends who is very involved in politics and in fact works for a non-profit organization in that area. I promised her that before the 2008 election I would figure out what I think about the issues and be able to come back to her to have an informed discussion. This is a huge undertaking for me, and one I’m not really looking forward to. But. I don’t want to stay ignorant. So here I go.

Posted in: personal, me

Comments on Why I Don’t Like Politics

  1. 1

    From Ann:


    Thanks so much for your comment on my blog! I appreciate your sharing in my joy of having an interview :). And thanks also for the encouragement to wait for the right job. I’ve read your blog a few times, and I’m excited to start frequenting it… I’m adding you to my favorites.

    Have a great weekend!

  2. 2

    From Katy:

    Ahahaha. I keep up with politics and all it does is make me change my mind a lot. I’ve already changed my mind three times about who I favor in 2008. Blah blah. The trick is figuring out which issues are most important to you and voting based on those issues only. If you try to find one person with whom you agree on EVERYthing, well, you’ll be standing in the hypothetical ballot box for the rest of your life.

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