Pictures of Life

March 25, 2008

Just wanted to share with you a few random images from the past week.

Here is the bulletin board at my school:


This is where I discover new clinical trials to take part in. Currently I’m involved in a 7-month bird flu vaccine study, and I’m also scheduled to go play some computer games while having an MRI done on Wednesday.

Here is Cleo playing with Riley, one of the dogs I pet-sit:

[Video lost. Sad.]

They got along great, and as you can see Cleo was not intimidated by Riley’s size. But unfortunately the two of them together caused a little more trouble than either of them on their own. The victims were two wooden chess pieces and a portion of a very nice floor rug.

Here is David and I on our Good Friday fishing trip:

Fishing Trip

We had a great time, and David caught 5 trout, but I came away with a sunburn on my thighs and some very chapped lips.

Well, I’m off to work a clinical shift. Happy Tuesday, everyone.

Posted in: personal, me, personal

Comments on Pictures of Life

  1. 1

    From Tabaitha:

    Cute pic of you and David. Hope your lips are feeling better!

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