
April 15, 2008

So I passed my test! With a very high score, actually, and I have no idea how I managed to do that because there were so many questions I was unsure of. Anyway, remember how I said that the coming weeks will probably be stressful? Well scratch that. I defy stress! I’m tired of it. Finals aren’t for a couple of weeks and there’s really nothing for me to worry about until then. And let’s be honest, I’m not really worried about finals either. Nothing can keep me from graduating, and I already have a job.

Last night I set the tone by renting myself a movie, something I hardly ever do anymore. Since David couldn’t be with me I made sure it was one he would never want to see – Stardust (he doesn’t do fantasy). I loved it. Then I finished off the evening with some ice cream and “Dancing With the Stars.” A good night’s sleep later, and I am unwound. Ahhh.

I apologize in advance if you get tired of hearing about how great it is that I’m graduating. I’ve been in college now for eight years, and I’m just really excited.

Posted in: personal

Comments on De-stressing

  1. 1

    From Cio:


  2. 2

    From Erica:

    Congratulations girl! I have a kinesiology test tomorrow that I’m stressing about right now….

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