Early Monday

June 30, 2008

I was woken up at 3:45 a.m. by the two 100+ pound dogs that I’m taking care of this week, Teak and Riley. They wanted to be fed, and there is no more sleeping when they want to be fed. So I got up and did just that, and then I stayed awake because my alarm was scheduled to go off at four. It’s only fifteen minutes, you may say, but when that fifteen minutes comes as early as it does it makes a big difference. So I was annoyed.

But, as usual, I got to work and everything was great. Two cups of coffee and I didn’t feel the sleep I was missing until about 1 p.m. when we had an inservice. Today I was assigned a patient all to myself, and I think I did pretty well. Although I must admit, she was not demanding at all. I spent the majority of my time today with my mind wandering to wedding plans.

On the way home I stopped at the grocery store, and I was strolling the aisles in my own little world. The song “Jack and Diane” was playing on the loudspeaker, and I was singing along to myself. As I rounded a corner and looked up, there was an older woman coming towards me, an employee, and at that moment we were both audibly singing, “Oh yeah, life goes on…” when our eyes locked. We could have been embarrassed, but instead we just smiled and walked on.

Posted in: personal

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