The Week So Far

June 19, 2008

On Monday night I went out and bought a bunch of pairs of scrubs in Caribbean blue, our required color. This is not a popular color for scrubs, but I found it at an awesome store in Katy. There was a friendly Indian woman there who owns and runs the place, and by the end of my shopping experience she was giving me marriage advice and showing me all of her receipts for the day.

On Tuesday my preceptor was off and my backup preceptor was late, so I ended up working with a girl who has only been a nurse since January. Although she was very nice, she was also extremely disorganized and I did not much enjoy working with her. That night David and I went and spent some time with our good friends Megan and Peter, who were in town for a wedding. The highlight of the night involved Megan and I getting completely made fun of for the fact that in high school we listened to ska music and skanked. Don’t know what that is? You’re cooler than I am.

Wednesday my preceptor was off again and I sat with the unit secretary. It was boring, but at least I got to sit down. That night David and I went to visit his aunt and uncle in Sealy. David is very close to them, and his aunt has pancreatic cancer and is not doing well. It was good that we went.

Today my preceptor, Christy, was back and we had a good day. She is allowing me to do more things now. Tonight I am returning to my apartment. I have been away for over a week house- and pet-sitting. I miss Cleo and my bed.

I am really exhausted. 4:30 a.m. comes really early.

Posted in: personal

Comments on The Week So Far

  1. 1

    From Cio:

    *raising hand*

    I use to Skank and listen to Ska music when I was in high school…

    I actually had to tell Nicole what “skanking” meant, the other day…I was ashamed, of myself, that I knew what it was.

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