Day Off?

July 29, 2008

I worked all weekend, then had a frantically busy day yesterday. Last night I was tired through and through, but could I rest? No, there were cake consultations to attend and invitations to design. Luckily I had today off, so I could get rested (or so I thought).

Despite being an emotional wreck for most of the day, I did manage to accomplish some things. First, I got fitted for undergarments at Nordstrom and OH MY WORD if you haven’t done that, go. It will change your life. Purchased all my underwear for the wedding and then some.

Second, I finally found a paper store that had what I wanted: plain white, smooth finish, thick paper without a watermark. You would think that such a product would be easy to find, but you would be wrong. The store is FasClampitt and today I am in love with it. We also got envelopes there.

Third, went shopping with my mother-in-law-to-be and found her a beautiful outfit to wear to the wedding, then took it to be altered.

Fourth, to kill time I stopped by Old Navy and bought a cheap swimsuit for our honeymoon.

Fifth, I met David at the jewelry store where he bought my engagement ring and discussed wedding band options. It seems that if I want the band to fit against the ring and look like a set I will have to get it custom made, which will cost $400-500. If I don’t do that, I will be wearing two mis-matched rings. What would you do?

Finally, David and I had dinner at Mama’s Cafe, and it was very good. And when I said goodbye to him (since we were in separate cars) I almost cried because we hardly ever get to see each other, and I have another looooong day of work and errands tomorrow. That would have made about the tenth time I cried today (only slightly exaggerating). See? Emotional wreck.

It’s not my impending marriage that is doing this to me, though – it’s the combination of hormones (the perfect scapegoat), wedding planning, and above all: MY JOB. Are there any new nurses out there who can empathize with me? I seriously love it and wouldn’t want to be doing anything else, but I just can’t explain how physically and mentally draining it is. I know I’ll get used to it, but I haven’t yet.

Anyway, if I’m going to be asleep by 8 p.m. I better get going.

Posted in: personal

Comments on Day Off?

  1. 1

    From Barry:

    I’m off to Nordstrom’s first thing in the morning! Also, I feel like you only get married once, so you should go with the ring you like best, no matter the cost. You’ll be wearing it for a long time after all.

  2. 2

    From Tabaitha Kaye:

    I agree with Barry about the ring. I think you will look the way it looks so much better. Sorry you’re having a hard week. I have been doing the same thing, but only because of the hormones with Baby #2. I will be praying that your week gets better and you get some quality time with David.

  3. 3

    From SarahThe:

    have a ring made to fit. you won’t regret it. I promise you’ll care more about the ring on your finger than the underwear you wore years down the line.

  4. 4

    From Mom:

    If it costs $500 to get the custom-made band, and you wear it at least 30 years (hopefully lots longer!), that’s an average of $17 per YEAR. Besides, your engagement ring is too pretty to put just any band with it. You will be so glad you did the custom design.

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