How I Spent My First Month’s Pay

July 4, 2008

  • Gave my tithe to my church
  • Paid a huge chunk of money on my credit card bill
  • Car insurance and phone bills
  • Miscellaneous gas and food
  • Donated to my four monthly charities (Compassion, Tabor College, support for two friends who are missionaries)
  • Bought my cousin’s wife a baby shower gift
  • Bought the CD Ampersand by Derek Webb and Sandra McCracken
  • Paid to have my address changed on my driver’s license
  • Premarital counseling
And lastly…
  • Bought Coldplay tickets. Yes!

Still have some to spare! I’m liking this “real job” thing. Even though it does wear me out, it’s also very fulfilling. I had the option of taking the holiday off, but I chose instead to work to save up more personal time. I was a little jealous when David texted me at 11 a.m. saying he had just woken up. I responded, “Do you realize that you’ve had a full night’s sleep since I got up this morning?” I didn’t have much sympathy when he told me he was still tired!

Busy weekend ahead of me, and I hope to have much to report at the end of it!

Posted in: personal, domestication, personal

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