On the Long Week, My Dog, and Medical Devices

July 11, 2008

Ah, Friday. It’s a good day. Not as good as Saturday, or Sunday, but still good. And this has been a long week.  Not just with work, although that gives me very limited time to accomplish anything else. But with getting the bridesmaid dresses ordered (requiring two separate trips to the shop), a weekly indoor soccer game, dinner with a friend, and finally getting myself organized and settled in my parents’ house, I have had very little time to relax. David came by the house last night briefly, but that was the first time we’d seen each other since Sunday. So yeah, long week.

It’s been kind of nice to be living with my parents again, although strange at times. Cleo seems to like it here for the most part, although she won’t go in the kitchen and I had to carry her up the stairs the first time. She gets so scared of new rooms and hallways. But since my room is upstairs, I had to get her used to it. She has slept with me almost every night since I got her, and it’s very comforting for me to have her there.

The first night I carried her to my bed, and she didn’t move from it until morning. Then she was terrified to get down. The second night she came up the stairs with a lot of coaxing, but she trembled most of the night. The third night I felt too bad for her and let her stay downstairs on the couch. But I didn’t sleep well that night without her, and so I’ve started to make her come upstairs again. Last night I was so happy because she cuddled by my side with my arm slung over her the entire night.

Work has been great this week. I think I am really starting to get the hang of it. I have been taking care of two patients almost entirely by myself, and I think I’m ready to move on to three because there has been a significant amount of downtime. I passed a milestone today in that I accessed my first port-a-cath successfully! This is a device that many oncology patients have inserted underneath their skin on the chest that enables us to give chemo, fluids, draw blood, etc. without having to find a vein every time. While the patients aren’t in the hospital or having treatment you can’t really see it. But in the hospital we access the port with a needle.

I’m at home right now waiting for David to come pick me up. We’re going on a date, and I’ve been looking forward to it all week! It felt so weird to put on regular clothes just now. I haven’t worn anything but scrubs and athletic clothes since last Sunday.

Happy weekend!

Posted in: personal

Comments on On the Long Week, My Dog, and Medical Devices

  1. 1

    From Erica:

    Hope you had fun on your date tonight. Just got home from Journey to the Center of the Earth–the 3D effects are amazing! Great show! Think you’d like it too!

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