Kansas Weekend

August 3, 2008

I’m back home from the whirlwind Kansas trip where one of my best friends, Ellen, got married. As a bonus I got to see a few extra friends and introduce David to many people. Most of it is a blur, but here are some thoughts regarding the weekend. To see the rest of the pictures and more of the story, go HERE.

The rehearsal dinner had all you can eat barbecue. I’m usually not so much a fan of barbecue, but the side dishes were so good that I stuffed myself.

We got to visit my best friend Becca, who is 8 months pregnant. She and her husband just bought a fixer-upper house. Here we are in front of it.

The wedding was outside, and it was a THOUSAND degrees. I think I sweated more than at any soccer game I’ve played in. Also, the bridesmaids wore the shoes from hell. They were pure evil, despite their cute appearance.

David was so supportive to come all the way to Kansas with me, missing his own cousin’s wedding to go to a place where he knew no one. I love him.

Got to hang out some with these cool girls, Julie and Valerie, friends from Tabor College.

The obligatory bride and groom picture. Ellen was beautiful, and I took her veil from her literally the minute after she removed it later that day. It will be my “something borrowed” at my own wedding!

My good friend Julie let David and I stay at her house while we were there. She and I are a lot alike, and whenever I see her I lament the fact that we live two states away.

We left town around 4 p.m. on Saturday, and since David had to be back by noon on Sunday we just drove through the night. We got home around 2:30 a.m. having been awake since 5 a.m., but we made it!

Final thoughts: I’m jealous that Ellen is married already and I can’t wait to be myself! David and I had some good quality time together this weekend despite the craziness, and I can’t wait to spend my life with him. I have some amazing friends and I hated to say goodbye to them, but I will be seeing them in less than two months!

Posted in: personal

Comments on Kansas Weekend

  1. 1

    From Katy:

    OMG, we’re both going to be married in TWO MONTHS!

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