September 17, 2008

I got this meme quite awhile ago from Spring, and I’m using it not because I necessarily need some blog fodder, but because I so enjoyed reading her entry that I thought it would be fun. It’s taken me awhile to complete. Don’t get your expectations up, though, that doesn’t mean this is going to be good or anything.

A: Attached or Single? I am very happily engaged. See that picture in my header? That’s David, my fiance.

B: Best Friend? Becca Hoelscher. That’s her married name. I met her my freshman year of high school and followed her to Tabor College. We went to church together and also played soccer together both places. She lives in Wichita now, and I miss her all the time. Here we are together at the beginning of August, pre-baby:

And now she has new little boy, Elijah James, born September 6. No pictures yet.

C: Cake or pie? Cake, especially of the chocolate variety. I don’t really like pie, but I can tolerate a few bites. I don’t like the crust.

D: Day of choice? By all accounts it should be Saturday, which has for a long time been my only day to sleep in. On Saturday there is still one more day off to look forward to. But oddly, I think I enjoy Sundays more. I love my church, and it just seems like more of a day to relax and be with family than to get errands done.

E: Essential item? My FranklinCovey planning system. I think I would have a panic attack if I lost it.

F: Favorite color? I love blues: Carolina blue, steel blue, Air Force blue, cobalt. I’m also really into sage green these days. At the hospital on Fridays we are allowed to wear any color of scrubs that we want, so I bought a pair that are light pink. I have had many people (all female!) tell me that it’s my color.

G: Gummy bears or worms? I’m not a fruity candy eater, but given the choice I’d take the bears, because they’re cute.

H: Hometown? Houston, and I will remain here indefinitely. (Side note: Please don’t talk bad about my city in my presence. I will take it personally, no matter how irrational that is.)

I: Favorite Indulgence? Pedicures, or Dutch Chocolate Blue Bell ice cream, or maybe just letting Cleo lick my feet.

J: January or July? July, because I hate being cold.

K: Kids? Definitely, in ten months we’ll be expecting our first one. Just kidding, David!

L: Life isn’t complete without? Jesus, love, family, and all that good stuff.

M: Marriage date? October 3, 2008. Wow, that’s close. Deep breaths.

N: Number of brothers and sisters? Two younger (and cooler) brothers.

O: Oranges or apples? A good orange, I think. Or sliced red apples with caramel. But bananas top them all.

P: Phobias? Live shrimp and roaches.

Q: Quotes? Here are a few that I like.

“We are prisoners of hope.” -Archbishop Desmond Tutu

“At present we are on the outside of the world, the wrong side of the door. We discern the freshness and purity of morning, but they do not make us fresh and pure. We cannot mingle with the splendours we see. But all the leaves of the New Testament are rustling with the rumour that it will not always be so. Some day, God willing, we shall get in.” -C.S. Lewis, “The Weight of Glory”

“The Mississippi’s mighty; it starts in Minnesota at a place that you can walk across with five steps down. I guess that’s how you started; like a pinprick to my heart. But at this point you rush right through me and I start to drown.” -Indigo Girls, “Ghost”

R: Reasons to smile? I have the day off tomorrow. I’m getting married in a couple weeks to the man I love. My entire, wonderful family will be there. And also: “He who did not spare his own Son, but delivered Him over for us all, how will He not also with Him freely give us all things?” Romans 8:32

S: Season of choice? Summer! I love the warmth and the laid-back atmosphere. But I like all the seasons, really, in their own way. Even winter, because of the cute clothes and my birthday.

T: Tag 5 people? Anyone, but I’ll call out a few people for fun:
MagsMac – I want to see more personal posts from you!
David – Because that would just be awesome.
Tabaitha – I think you’d have fun with this.
Sarahthe – You always have something interesting to say.
Megan Kline – Something has to tone down all that seriousness going down on your blog!

U: Unknown fact? This is a tough one. Between my parents, my brothers, and my fiance, most things about me are known. But here is one: I like to sleep with my fingers stuck in my eyes. Kind of in the corners. I have no idea why, but it is comforting.

V: Vegetable? I dislike them. Do potatos count? Alright fine, broccoli. With lots of cheese.

W: Worst habit? It’s STILL texting and reading while I drive. That New Year’s resolution didn’t last, so I’ll probably re-resolve it next year.

X: X-ray or ultrasound? Never had an ultrasound, so I guess I can’t answer this question. Clinically, they view very different things.

Y: Your favorite food? That’s so hard because I love food. I’ll go ahead and say cereal, or quesadillas, or fried rice, or chicken cordon bleu. Is it cheating to pick more than one?

Z: Zodiac sign? Aquarius. I didn’t know anything about it so I looked it up on astrology.com. Apparently I’m a humanitarian, self-directed, organized, mentally active, loyal, and appear “aloof and detached [but] inwardly sensitive and caring.” I’m with them on those…but I’m also supposed to have a “cheeky attitude,” be a vigorous, zesty individual, thriving on the unexpected, harmlessly “mad,” and I also have “rigid opinions.” Well, so much for astrology.

Posted in: personal, me

Comments on A-Z

  1. 1

    From MagsMac:

    OKAY! more personal posts on the way I promise :)

  2. 2

    From Spring:

    I love it!

    Wedding is so close! Yay!


  3. 3

    From Tabaitha Kaye:

    This does sound like fun. I will try to work on this after some much needed time with my hubby, who comes home tonight after 11 days away.

  4. 4

    From Katy:

    Holy crap. Wedding. So. Close. Must. Order. Flowers. OMGMUSTORDERFLOWERSANDGROOMSCAKESHIT!

  5. 5

    From David:

    You totally got me to do this. A lot of it is you, a lot of it is that I need blog fodder. Also, it’s always nice to put something personal on your site every once in a while.

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