Hello Friends,

October 16, 2008

I’m alive, I’m married, I’m happy, and I’m busy!

Our wedding was amazing. Or so I thought, at least. I keep checking my photographer’s website for pictures, but they aren’t up yet. I really want to share those with you, but for now please be satisfied with the pictures from our honeymoon. I am just going to give you the link to Flickr, because I already did a lot of work with the pictures on there and I’m too lazy to choose the best ones to put up here.

Except for this one, which is my absolute favorite:

We went to Kauai, Hawaii and it was the perfect place. Not commercial at all, completely relaxing, with tons to do if you want. There were beaches, mountains, canyons, and rainforests. I loved it. See the pictures HERE. They come complete with their own little stories.

And, post-honeymoon, I love being married! We’re already saving a lot of money on gas, and there are plenty of other benefits too! But life is still crazy being back to work (and having to stay late most days), getting moved in (half my stuff is still at my parents’ house), and adjusting to living with a boy (he doesn’t go to bed before nine like I do. Why on earth not?). Anyway, you may or may not be hearing from me on here right now, but I’ll see what I can do.

Love you all!

Posted in: personal

Comments on Hello Friends,

  1. 1

    From Emily:

    I’m so happy for y’all! The picture you posted is beautiful.

  2. 2

    From Emily:

    P.S. I thought the wedding was amazing. Amazing people made it the best, wonderful food (though still not as amazing as the people), beautiful, beautiful place (though not as beautiful as the bride)and, I have to say, some people had some great hairstyles going on too. :)

  3. 3

    From nic:

    Welcome back, MRS.FORBES!

  4. 4

    From Megan:

    Wow, Nicole, she IS Mrs. Forbes now. THAT is weird!

    But Fan-freakin’-tastic! Welcome to the married club, Kat! You can send your membership fees directly to me.

    You looked like a movie star at your wedding. I was sorta intimidated.

    Come visit soon!

  5. 5

    From Tabaitha:

    Isn’t Hawaii amazing? I wish I could go back every year. The pictures from the honeymoon are great. Glad to hear that you are adjusting well. Isn’t it weird living with a boy? It grows on you:)

  6. 6

    From Ro:

    Wow, you’re married! Congratulations! :) I’m so happy for you. Welcome back online! Missed reading your blogs the time you were out. :)

  7. 7

    From Katy:

    You two look so happy! Yay for marriage!

  8. 8

    From Tabaitha:

    I have a confession…I really miss you blogging. I know it’s so busy and you are adjusting to married life, but write soon so I don’t go through anymore withdraws:)

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