#97. Buy Another Leash and Walk the Dogs Simultaneously

April 23, 2009

I’ve let my dog Cleo get fat. There’s no getting around it; she’s gained a lot of weight since I got her a year and a half ago. This is what she looked like then:


And this is what she looks like now:


She’s a good couple inches rounder, and look at all that back fat! It’s embarrassing. Back then she could run 5 miles with me no problem, and now when I try to take her on a run she can barely make it around the neighborhood. (Full disclosure: I can’t run 5 miles anymore either.) I chalk this change up to two things: 1) I live with David now, and one of his favorite things is giving dogs treats. He does it frequently. 2) Eddie lives with us now, and somewhere along the way one of the leashes broke, so we can’t walk them at the same time and it’s too hard to walk them separately, and I know that’s a lame excuse but that’s what happened, OK?

Honestly, it was the leash that was the main thing holding me back from walking them. So when I went to HEB the other day I picked one up, along with a couple of choke collars. Turns out I bought the wrong size collars, but I still walked them anyway!

Tired girls after their walk.

So this was an easy one to check off the list of goals, and now hopefully we can start taking lots more walks!

Posted in: personal, goals, personal

Comments on #97. Buy Another Leash and Walk the Dogs Simultaneously

  1. 1

    From kaitlyn:

    Ha! That is easy to do. My mom walks six dogs every other day. I don’t know how she does it! Way to take the initiative.

  2. 2

    From Mindy:

    Aww. It’s such a good thing to do together–I totally credit my pup with helping me get on the exercise bandwagon. And it’s so great when they plop on the floor and are out for the rest of the night! :) (PS Thanks for visiting my blog! I’ll be sure to check yours out as well!)

  3. 3

    From DeMo:

    Hi! How did you find me? I am familiar with your blog. I have probably commented a few times, a long time ago, and maybe under my xanga address so you might not recognize me. Anyway, yes, I am familiar with Tabor, and I know Micah & Becca. :)

  4. 4

    From DeMo:

    Oh, and I don’t know if you’ll find anyone you know in the Personal voice section, but this site has a list of local-to-Wichita blogs that have been submitted. Maybe you’ll stumble upon a friend’s blog. :) http://douglasandmain.com/

  5. 5

    From Christine:

    Both dogs are really cute! I’m always impressed when people walk more than one dog at a time – before my parent’s dog was blind, she was really hard to control and she was just one dog!

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