I Still Do

September 29, 2009

I loved my wedding. It was a huge affair with over 200 guests, planned for 8 months, stressed me out to the max, but it was worth it. The entire weekend was the best in my life.

If I were to go back and do it again, there wouldn’t be much I would change. So here, enjoy a completely gratuitous slideshow of wedding pictures that I made.

I’m happy to report that my marriage is even more amazing than the wedding was. I would do it all over again every single day of my life.

Music is “This Kind Of Love” by Sister Hazel.

All photos by Christine Tremoulet. Copyright 2008, all Rights Reserved. If the pictures are slightly blurry, it’s my fault for resizing them wrong, not hers!

Posted in: personal

Comments on I Still Do

  1. 1

    From Chelsea:

    So so so many comments!!!

    You are beautiful! That song was perfect. I teared up when I saw the picture of yall praying before the wedding. The venue was fantastic! Thanks for sharing that with us!

  2. 2

    From kapachino:

    Yeah, I kind of tear up when I see that picture too. It was one of the most touching, meaningful moments of my life!

  3. 3

    From Jennifer:

    Oh man… I can’t see it. It’s just a blank space where the pics should be.

  4. 4

    From kapachino:

    I’m sorry, I don’t know what’s wrong! You can also go see the slideshow on YouTube here!

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    From Rae:

    Beautiful. I really like your wedding dress.

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    From kapachino:

    Thanks! It was actually a bridesmaid dress in white. It was too long for me, so I had them add the little train with the extra length. It was only $250!

  7. 7

    From Misti:

    BEAUTIFUL slide show Kat! I got teary-eyed a few times!!! I agree with you in that, “I would do it all over again, every day of my life!” I feel the exact same way about Bryan’s and my wedding! Even after almost 9 years of marriage, Bryan still makes my heart skip a beat and butterflies go crazy in my stomach with a touch of his hand, a simple kiss or even a certain “look”!!! Congrats to you and David on your upcoming one year anniversary and I wish you both many, many more years of happiness!!! Love you both – LOTS!

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    From Christine:

    Beautiful photos! You look so radiant!

  9. 9

    From Cio:

    Great song. You look amazing.
    Awesome photos.
    A marriage beyond your wildest dreams…can’t get much better than that. : )

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    From Mom:

    What a beautiful video! What a beautiful bride, and handsome husband! You have culled the best of the photos for this slideshow; thanks! Many of my favorite pictures are there, and now some new favorites. (Your wedding pictures are the screensaver on my computer, so I watch them a lot.) The song goes so perfectly! I’ll be sharing this for sure!

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    From Krista:

    What a wonderful slideshow!! You both look so happy!

  12. 12

    From Darla Baerg:

    Gosh … just came over from Chelsea’s site to read the 90 things (precious) and then watched this. SO beautiful … you,the dress, the song …everything. Love it!

    PS I’ve been married 19 1/2 years and I’d sing that song to my man right now. Sounds like we both got really great guys!

  13. 13

    From kapachino:

    Thank you so much for stopping by, Darla! It makes me so happy to read about wives in love with their husbands (and vice versa), especially after so many years. :)

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