One of my goals is to write David a list of 100 things I love about him, and this is the perfect time for that. Here are 90 of those things, because the other ten are just for us.
- He remembers everything I say.
- He likes to run errands. I rarely have to do the grocery shopping.
- He made up “Family Bed Time” for us and the dogs, where we spend time loving on them, cuddling, and talking when we get home from work.
- His warm soft body, especially because I’m always cold!
- Listening to him softly snore in the morning.
- How he can fall asleep in 2 seconds no matter where he is.
- All his little noises.
- Our “lang”.
- It doesn’t happen often, but he lets himself cry in front of me.
- His musk.
- He unashamedly calls me Dayleen – you know, like Brangelina?
- He buys me flowers for no reason at all.
- He gives me the big half of the pastry, brownie, cookie, etc.
- He LOVES dogs.
- He tells me he loves me a million times a day and means it.
- He won’t relax if there’s anything wrong between us.
- He actually likes to cuddle.
- He makes everyone laugh.
- My whole family loves him.
- He has made an effort to get to know my brothers.
- He even looks out for them and has concern for them as if they were his flesh and blood.
- He is very socially adept, and I am always proud (and grateful) to have him around in social situations.
- He has beautiful eyes.
- He has strong, defined calves.
- He protects me in countless different ways.
- He’s a practical spender, but splurges when appropriate.
- The way he’s gotten so involved at church. He’s on the leadership team and is a leader in the youth group as well.
- He’s extremely sensitive to everyone around him.
- He’s close to his family.
- He loves to read and always has multiple books going.
- He is a great at conversation and I am never bored with him.
- He lets me pick the movie or TV show we’ll watch.
- His cute mouth.
- His thick, sturdy legs.
- He loves playing with kids.
- How cute he looks holding our nephew Lucas.
- He tells me I’m beautiful and notices when I change anything about my appearance.
- He always wants to spend time with me and finds a way to make it happen even if we’re both extremely busy.
- He helps around the house and I don’t have to ask him to.
- He keeps in touch with me throughout the day.
- He likes the food I cook…
- …but he’s okay with cereal or sandwiches for dinner (thank God).
- He treats Cleo (my dog) almost the same as Eddie (his dog).
- He tucks me in to bed every night.
- He’s a homebody just like me.
- He lets me decorate the house in whatever way I want.
- He likes sports.
- He came to all my indoor soccer games.
- He holds onto me in public…
- …and in private too.
- He’s excited when I buy something for myself because it makes me happy.
- He puts up with my blog.
- He loves my natural beauty but compliments me when I have makeup on.
- He goes to all the Alley Theatre shows with me.
- He wants to travel all over…
- …but he loves coming home to Houston.
- He has the best heart of anyone I know.
- He does hilarious imitations and voices.
- He does the Right Thing.
- He’s been through a whole lot and come out on the other side.
- He trusts God with his life.
- He always comes to me first with any thoughts, fears, happiness, struggles, good news, etc.
- He wants to have a family with me.
- He’s faithful.
- He honors me by not watching raunchy TV shows or movies.
- He makes sure our vehicles are in good shape before we go on a road trip.
- He has adapted to my inability to communicate well at night when I’m tired, even though that is when he needs me the most.
- He encourages me with all of the projects I take on (cooking, decorating, Internet, etc.).
- He is constantly bringing me little treats or gifts that he knows I’ll like.
- He never says anything negative about me to other people. He always praises me.
- He loves and respects my parents.
- He knew he wanted to marry me and pursued me until he had me.
- His dimples!
- His parents are two of his most favorite people.
- He puts up with a very painful hip condition and rarely complains.
- He’s an excellent, safe driver and drives us wherever we go.
- He’s very intuitive to people’s needs; he can “read” people well.
- He’s extremely intelligent.
- He lets Cleo sleep in the bed with us and even brings her there every night because he knows I love it.
- He makes up silly songs about random things.
- He works very hard at his job.
- He’s an excellent storyteller.
- He’s the best partner for games (especially Trivial Pursuit and Scattergories).
- He tells me he loves me when I wake him up at 5 a.m. when I’m leaving for work.
- When he reaches for me to pull me close.
- He let us buy a $4000 mattress that we are paying off over 2 years (no interest!) because I am in love with it, even though it makes him hot.
- The way he loves to make people happy.
- He stopped feeding Cleo people food because it makes her sick and she’s gaining weight, even though that is one of his favorite things to do.
- He’s an excellent communicator.
- He loves me more than I ever thought a human being could love me.
From Chelsea:
I love this. I read every single one of them. I did this for Stephen when we were dating. I kept a journal and every day I wrote a reason why I love him. I did it for a year and gave it to him on Valentines Day. Our men need to hear these things!
You’re a great wife!
From Kelly:
Great list… made me tear up! And I love that you kept 10 things for just the two of you. So very sweet. I’m sure he adores you.
From Erin Lacy:
This is so sweet! What a great way to show love and honor your husband! You’re a great wife Kathleen!
From Carrie:
So sweet. I’m sure he appreciates this list more than you’ll ever know. I love lists like these – they always make you appreciate the little things that sometimes can get forgotten. I hope you all have a wonderful anniversary (and enjoy your trip!)
From Vanessa:
Sounds like a catch – does he have a brother?
From DeMo:
Very sweet!
From mediumcrazy:
Wow. Not letting my husband see this list because it would make me look bad. You guys are such a sweet couple…nice to see! And I’m just going to assume that the other ten things were dirty. :)
From Win, Lose, and Blog «:
[…] I still think she’s awesome. She and her husband are wonderful. She recently wrote a post with 90 things she loves about her husband. It made me melt. -Smile Steady. Okay, so this chick is a dental hygienist and has some […]