Goals Update Redux

November 12, 2009

Goals I have accomplished recently…

#5. Make David’s lunch three times a week for a month – This is something that helps us save money and makes it easier for David to eat healthy. It’s just not going to get done unless I do it, and that’s fine with me because I like taking care of my man. I’m not always consistent with this, but the goal did get completed.

#23. Transfer my old 401k – This should have been as easy as a conference call, but turned out it was no simple matter, friends. It was actually a YEAR-LONG PROCESS. I am not exaggerating. My financial adviser said that he has never encountered such a difficult transfer. When I got the checks in the mail I rejoiced. I worked for this one.

#27. Sell something on eBay – I sold a book on Half.com. I’m totally counting it.

#32. Take the preceptor class – I am officially “qualified” to precept new nurses, so says my hospital. The class was boring, the end.

#68. Obtain a vacuum cleaner – We got SO lucky on this one. A coworker of David’s recently got married and ended up with two vacuums. She just GAVE us one. We’ve had it for a few months now, and it is my favorite chore. I don’t know how we lived so long without it.

#83. Start using reusable shopping bags – I have been doing this for awhile now, just haven’t written about it. I hang them on a hook by the back door, so they are easy to grab when I’m on my way out to the store.

#84. Send Mary, the child we sponsor in Uganda, a picture of us – mailed a picture from our wedding to her in my last letter. She’s only 4, but hopefully she’ll like it!

Goals I’m actively working on…

#20. Pay off my credit card bill –

#21. Put at least $1000 in my IRA – We have $100 a month automatically going toward that. Eventually we’d like to increase that amount, but we’ve got to get ahead on our finances first.

#24. Implement a system for David and I to save our change – A system involving a hollow ceramic shell on our mantel has begun, but before I call this one complete I want to follow it through until we cash the money in. Somehow, the change seems to disappear again once it makes its way into the shell.

#40. Read all the books I own but haven’t read – Finished a couple lately. The problem is, I keep buying more books. Must stop this.

#74. Get pregnant – No comment.

#75. Send 10 “just because” cards – I sent one, and it was so much fun to do. This is something I plan to work on soon.

#81. Donate blood once a quarter – I think I am actually going more often than this, because every time Gulf Coast Regional Blood Center calls me I schedule an appointment. Sometimes my hematocrit isn’t high enough to donate, but so far I’ve gone 3 times total.

#87. Complete NaBloPoMo – Obviously.

#92. Memorize Philippians 3 – So far I have my favorite verses memorized, verses 7-12, which our church used to use as a corporate benediction every Sunday.

#96. Complete a Beth Moore Bible study with homework – I have been working through Beloved Disciple on my own, and I have the CD’s to go along with it.

#99. Become a true fan of the Texans by watching every game and discussing with David – Two weeks I had to settle for listening to the game on the radio when we were out of town, but I have watched every single other game, even if I had to DVR it and watch after work. It’s actually been really fun, except when they pull something like last week.

Goals that I’m beginning to think may be impossible to complete…

#13. Spend an entire day at the spa – I think I might have been dreaming here. Unless someone wants to give me a bunch of money, I don’t see us being able to afford such a luxury.

#26. Learn CSS/HTML/PHP well enough to design and run my website independently – I just don’t know if I’ll ever have the time it takes to learn this. I’m still hoping, though.

#42. Learn conversational Spanish – This isn’t exactly something you can just pick up easily. It will take a lot of time and work. Not sure if it’ll happen in this time period.

#54. Drive down the California coast – Another one I’m not sure we’ll be able to afford. Maybe in a couple of years.

#67. Build a pretty and well-organized home office – This one worries me because the office is not my top priority on rooms to fix up, and again there’s the money thing.

I’d say it’s coming along nicely!

Posted in: personal, goals

Comments on Goals Update Redux

  1. 1

    From Cio:

    I recently began a Beth Moore Bible Study – Believing God… w/cds
    I have the Daniel bible study too, I might do that next. I’ve done several of her studies.I hope to do more in the future, maybe we can swap sometime… I just love her!


    Sooooooo…once upon a time, i know Spanish. : )
    What if we worked something out, and I help you learn
    some Español. Kinda like a correspondence class. (i.e. I send you a cd of me speaking…with homework. or something of that nature) I use to be a Spanish tutor for a home school girl, and I have material. : ) She called me Señorita Cio. hahaha
    Let me know if you’re interested.

  2. 2

    From nic:

    Kat, I keep forgetting to tell you about something! Have you heard of Mint.com? If you don’t have a good way to keep track of your budget, this is a great, FREE resource! We love it and have been using it for over a year now.

    Also, the lunch thing. Does David do leftovers? I find it so much easier to cook just a bit more, so Matt has a lunch the next day he enjoys (sandwiches get old fast, I learned). If I don’t do leftovers, he’ll end up eating out every day. Much easier this way.

  3. 3

    From Scott:

    I know David isn’t the biggest fan of leftovers, but V and I do the same thing and it works really well for us.

    I’ve also found that bringing sandwich fixings into the office works well. I hate making one before work, but I don’t have any problem doing it once I’m there!

  4. 4

    From mediumcrazy:

    Just have to say that I LOVE THE DAILY POSTING.

    Also this post was actually kind of motivating. I think I need goals. Sigh.

  5. 5

    From steph anne:

    You’re such an inspiration! You seriously just kicked my butt to really work on my goals that I already have but haven’t completed it.

    It looks like you and your husband are on the right track and doing awesome though. Getting pregnant soon!?! How exciting!

  6. 6

    From Megan:

    #68– You are welcome to come vacuum for me any time. Also, remember when we lived at the Myd without a vacuum cleaner for a year and only vacuumed, like, twice? Ah, the single life…

    #75– You have my address, right?

    #13– When is your time limit up? Because, we’re totally doing this one way or another. (Notice the plural).

    Love your daily posts!

  7. 7

    From Julienne:

    We save our change too, but we use one of those big blue water bottles from a water cooler. It’s a huge pain to get change back out of it, and so far with what we’ve counted we’ve saved like $500! Totally worth it and you don’t even notice you’re saving – of course in Canada we have $1 and $2 coins so that speeds things along!

  8. 8

    From Krista:

    You are making great progress! #74?! Very exciting news!! I had hoped to learn spanish too but I just don’t know if i will happen in the next few years…

  9. 9

    From DeMo:

    Awesome job on your goals! You will feel so accomplished when you can say that you completed them all. I have some similar goals as you — especially the getting out of debt one! I plan to work on my budget tonight. Friday night fun! ha.

  10. 10

    From Girl w/the Red Hair:

    I used to make Eric’s lunch every day too when we lived together. He wasn’t going to do it so I just did, saved us a lot of money!

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