Christmas “Vacation”

December 29, 2009

So Christmas happened, and I kind of feel like I missed it.

The day itself was fantastic: Lil Smokies, banana bread, coffee, and OJ for breakfast at my parents’ house, cuddling with my husband on the couch, opening stockings and presents, four dogs playing in the discarded wrapping paper, becoming obsessed with Words With Friends and playing against my brothers all day, my in-laws coming over for a delicious meal, and seeing Sherlock Holmes.

The problem was, it was over so fast. It’s really tough to get vacation days around the holidays when you work in a hospital, so I didn’t ask for any. I worked up until Christmas Eve, then I worked all weekend and finished up with a long shift yesterday. Apart from the long hours, it’s just been tough lately. I don’t want to get into it, but suffice it to say that my job is one where taking vacations are a necessity. I didn’t ask for Christmas off, but I’m taking five days starting Thursday and it can’t come soon enough.

I don’t know if I’ve ever looked forward to a new year as much as I do this one. The short vacation helps, but like Stephanie said, it may be cliche but New Years’ works for me psychologically. For some reason it really feels like a fresh start. I’ll be sharing with you soon some of the changes and resolutions I plan to make. You may scoff, but I make realistic goals for the new year and I more often than not achieve them. It’s how I got myself to floss, quit texting while driving, and ride my bike more.

Well, I’ve already spent more time than I planned on the computer this morning. I have chores and errands to catch up with, a doctor’s appointment, and a possible movie date with my brother to see Nine. All this is going to get done if I can just get out of bed…

Posted in: personal, holidays, personal

Comments on Christmas “Vacation”

  1. 1

    From Tabaitha Kaye:

    I got the Christmas blues too. It was hard being away from our family and all the excitement passed the next day. Enjoy your much needed vacation. I look forward to New Years post.

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    From andrew:

    Props for making new years work for you. Only successful resolution I’ve made has been to quit watching the BCS. For what its worth, I think Ben Franklin once said something like “Be at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let each new year find you a better person.”

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    From Chelsea:

    Not only do you NEED a vacation, you DESERVE one. Enjoy your time off once it gets here. Don’t fill it up with the to-do list!

  4. 4

    From mediumcrazy:

    I swear you are my blog life twin! I agree resolutions really do work for a certain type of person–it’s how I got myself to stop buying books and start going to the library and how I kept a budget for an entire year. I’m working on my and looking forward to hearing yours. Also Andrew–I love that quote.

  5. 5

    From mediumcrazy:

    I swear you are my blog life twin! I agree resolutions really do work for a certain type of person–it’s how I got myself to stop buying books and start going to the library and how I kept a budget for an entire year. I’m working on mine and looking forward to hearing yours. Also Andrew–I love that quote.

  6. 6

    From Amy --- Just A Titch:

    You deserve a break, girl!

    Also, yeah, I love the New Year. I get really excited and it works psychologically for me, too.

    And seriously? You are such an awesome go-getter, Kathleen. Inspirational!

  7. 7

    From Katy:

    Word to building new habits in 21 days!

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    From Chelsea Talks Smack:

    GOSH, I feel the same way- i hope that new years i a better one!

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    From steph anne:

    I hope your 5 day break will be refreshing for you since you deserve it! Here’s to a better year…2010!! and I look forward to reading more about you.

  10. 10

    From Ashley:

    I’m so glad you have some vacation time coming up! I feel the same way about the start of a new year. Who cares if the “new beginning” is artificial. Even if it’s a mind trick, it works for me.

  11. 11

    From Kyla Roma:

    I’m a fan of new years too! I’m really looking forward to having some friends over and to just having a little sparkling wine and starting the next year right. Happy you know what in advance! =)

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