
February 5, 2010

This is a picture of me and my parents on my first birthday. My mom is pregnant with my brother and I have cake all over my face. I like it.

Today I turn twenty-eight, and I am solidly in my late twenties, which I guess is okay with me since I’ve felt like I’m twenty-eight for months already. I remember when I thought seventeen was soooo old, and when thirty seemed like a lifetime away. But honestly, despite the fact that I practically live the life of a grandma (sans retirement), I still feel young. I can’t imagine actually feeling old, even years and years from now. But what do I know about that?

It’s been quite a birthday week. We acquired a third dog, which has been fun and overwhelming and deserves a post of its own. I started an additional part-time job that had me nervous all week but turned out to be fine, and pays really well too. I’m probably getting a new car tomorrow, which is a good thing since I want to cry every time I get into my truck. Sadly I got sick this week, and still am, and I just don’t do sick well. The weather has been dreary since I can remember.

My husband has gone above and beyond to make sure I have a wonderful week with countless small gestures such as flowers, notes, and putting aside extra time for me, not to mention the gifts that he’s been orchestrating that I don’t know about yet. I haven’t exercised at all and I’ve eaten a lot of ice cream. It’s definitely a week I will remember for a long time.

I have today off work, but I plan to spend the bulk of it doing chores and errands. I simply won’t be able to relax otherwise, and I know how much happier and calmer I’ll be once it’s all finished. Then at the end of the day I get to go to my parents’ house for a mom-cooked meal, which somehow always makes things better.

I love being 28. I am in love with my life. Just, every once in awhile it would be nice to go back to being a baby with cake in my hair.

Posted in: personal, me

Comments on 28.

  1. 1

    From MelissaOK:

    Happy Birthday! Good luck in your car shopping and I can’t wait to see this third dog!

  2. 2

    From Tabaitha:

    Happy 28th Birthday! I am so glad that your birthday week has been one to remember thus far. I can’t wait to hear about the rest of your weekend, next week. I was disappointed, because I found a great picture of us taken during the weekend of David’s graduation, up at your Aunt & Uncle’s house. We are sitting on the couch, reading and cuddling and trying to stay warm. I still remember how cold it was each night we stayed there. Unfortunately, our scanner isn’t working. I wanted to post it for my Flashback Friday. Once I get the scanner working, I’ll email it to you.

  3. 3

    From Tabaitha:

    And when I said we were cuddling, I forgot to add that we were each cuddling with the dogs and cats. Just thought I would clarify that:)

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    From Lauren From Texas:

    Happy Birthday! Love you tons!

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    From Chelsea:

    Happy birthda. I’m so excited for you and your new car!!

    I think you should get some cake in your hair this weekend. It would be fun.

  6. 6

    From David, The Rainmaker:

    Happy birthday! We’re blessed to have you in our lives!

    (I’m totally in mom’s belly up in that picture!)

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    From Girl w/the Red Hair:

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Love the baby pic!! Can’t wait to hear all about the third dog!

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    From dad:

    Now every one knows why I call you “the world’s cutest baby girl”. The picture proves it. I love you now more than ever. Happy Birthday.


  9. 9

    From Erin:

    I know I’m a day late with this, but HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I hope you had a wonderful birthday week. :)

  10. 10

    From Ashley:

    Such a cute kid. I hope you had a great birthday, and I want to hear about the new dog and new part-time job!

  11. 11

    From Stephany:

    Aw, happy birthday! I’m so happy you had a fabulous birthday week and love your life so much. That’s great to hear!

    And I totally want to hear (and see pictures of!) your new dog.

  12. 12

    From Kait:

    Happy, beautiful, blessed 28 :)

  13. 13

    From steph anne:

    Oh shoot, I’m late! Happy belated Birthday. I hope you had a wonderful Birthday!

  14. 14

    From Kyla Roma:

    Happy belated birthday =)

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    From Emily Jane:

    Hope you had a wonderful birthday lady! Thanks for sharing the pics, they made me smile. I also want to see pics of the new pup!

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