Friday Things

March 5, 2010

Today was a hard day for me, emotionally. It started last night out of nowhere, and then when I received a package this morning that I had ordered for future baby, well, you can imagine how that made me feel.

So in order to avoid being too depressing, here is some randomness from the week.

My dogs can be really cute and sweet. Even Oliver.

But then he goes and eats my books. Four so far, to be exact. Taken from the bookshelf.

Oh, and I chopped off my hair. Why? I don’t know. Something to do.

Other things I’m thinking about:

  • I think it’s time to start exercising again. There is a super sprint triathlon on May 9 that I think I could be ready for if I start now. It’s only a 200 yard swim, 8 mile bike, and 2 mile run.
  • I would like to finish learning how to solve a Rubik’s cube at some point.
  • This is the month of doctor’s appointments. I am going to more this month than I usually do all year. Also, I am going to demand to have my wisdom teeth removed, so that should be fun.
  • There have been some moments of real joy in my work this week, and then in a matter of minutes it would turn into chaos and stress. Work has been great to distract me and keep me busy, but this week it has been tiring to the point of exhaustion. Still, my better days are the days that I’m at work.
  • I made a Formspring page, and then promptly forgot about it. Sorry if I haven’t answered your question yet, but I will soon!

Have a great weekend, friends. :)

Posted in: personal, me, personal

Comments on Friday Things

  1. 1

    From Cio:

    Haircut = Sweet and Sassy.
    I love it! : )

  2. 2

    From Her:

    That’s a great haircut! I’ve been thinking about doing something drastic with mine. We shall see…

    I’m so glad work is going well for you. Sometimes there is nothing better than just throwing yourself back in.

  3. 3

    From Vanessa:

    Kathleen, sorry to hear you have had a tough day. Hopefully we will get a chance to get together with you guys this weekend. Your haircut looks great and I can’t wait to see it in person.

  4. 4

    From Carmen:

    I can help with the Rubik’s cube! Love you! Send me some good times for me to come visit!

  5. 5

    From Lauren:

    Oh I can’t wait to see your hair! I loved my short hair but I’ve had it for so long now I really want to remember what it was like to have real long hair. Especially know that I KIND of know how to sort of style hair. Sort of.

    Also your puppies are cute.

  6. 6

    From Megan:

    1. I’m sort of in love with you.
    2. I’m glad you cut your hair; it can be a liberating feeling. “A woman who cuts her hair is about to changer her life.”
    3. I think Oliver ate your New York book because he knew that I would be a much better source of information than any ol’ book. So, we should talk.

  7. 7

    From Lauren From Texas:

    CUTE HAIR!!!!!

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    From Emily Andrews:

    I have to make a confession. After I saw that you posted a picture of your haircut I had to see how many people commented on it and what they said. :) BTW, I made the 43 mile bike ride! I can’t wait to do a triathalon with you some day.

  9. 9

    From steph anne:

    LOVE YOUR HAIR! It brings out your eyes! Good luck with the triathlon! I’m curious to what you do to train for a triathlon if you wouldn’t mind sharing with us.

  10. 10

    From Emily Jane:

    I’m so sorry Friday was such a hard day *Hug*

    But that really is wonderful hair :)

  11. 11

    From MelissaOK:

    Like the hair! :) The dogs ARE cute and I’d be so inspired if you did that race. I’m trying to run more, but have a hard time being motivated!

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