Friday Things: To Look Forward To

April 16, 2010

I find it essential for my state of mind to have some good things to anticipate, no matter how big or small. Here are a few things I’m currently excited about!


This girl (the one on the left), one of my absolute best friends, is back in town after 7 months in Scotland! I spent the afternoon with her and my soul feels more at peace. She’ll be moving to Nashville this summer, so I’m going to try and see her as much as possible before then.


I’m on a total musical kick lately. In the Heights is in Houston for a few more days and Megan (see above) and I are going to see it on Sunday. I can’t wait; I’ve heard amazing reviews of it.


Let's get cozy together!

I’m excited about participating in Her Cozy Swap! Just a fun way to make someone happy, and a reason to get my creative juices flowing. Click on the picture for details, and to sign up. :)


It may sound masochistic to say that I’m looking forward to donating blood, but the truth is that it was a part of my regular routine for a long time before I got pregnant and miscarried. I’m finally going back on Monday, and it makes me happy because not only am I helping save lives, but it means my body is strong again. Now I just hope my iron levels are high enough!


What are you looking forward to?

Posted in: personal, me

Comments on Friday Things: To Look Forward To

  1. 1

    From Nicole:

    Looking forward to shopping with my mom and sis today… and then a b-day party for my uncle tomorrow. :)

  2. 2

    From Stephany:

    Thanks for the link to Her Cozy Swap! I just signed up and I’m so looking forward to that now!

    I’m also looking forward to my big projects for my classes being finished soon. After this weekend, my magazine is the only big thing left and I’m excited to finish it!

  3. 3

    From Ashley:

    The expression you girls both have in that picture makes me wonder what was going on!

    I’m looking forward to Summer!

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    From Emily Jane:

    Thank you for linking to Her Cozy Swap, totally going to check that out. Weekends these days for me are all about looking forward to new seasons of my favourite TV shows (cuddling up with all the lights off and new Doctor Who!!), and just being able to enjoy being outside in the sun. And tomorrow I’ll enjoy my massage and see if I can rustle up the courage to ask my MT to hang out lol :)

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    From kapachino:

    Let me know how that goes! I think you’d be surprised how people react to your asking to hang out. :)

    I can’t wait to get a massage as well. I can get them pretty cheap at my hospital wellness center, but I’ve only gone once. I recently made the decision that it would increase my quality of life to go regularly, so the cost is worth it!

  6. 6

    From Her:

    I’m looking forward to lunch with my husband’s cousins tomorrow, to new photo shoots, to trying again!

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    From Megan:

    I love you. That is all.

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