Currently In May

May 1, 2010

Current Book(s): Way too many. I was in between book club books, so I thought I’d quickly read The Jane Austen Book Club. The first chapter was about Emma, which I had just finished, and when I got to the second chapter and saw that it was on Sense and Sensibility I decided I wanted to read that first. So I got my huge Jane Austen anthology back out and made it through the first few chapters, but then I needed something smaller to carry around with me. That’s when I picked up The Well at the End of the World by William Morris which was recommended to me by my brother-in-law. I made it through several chapters before the book club book, Animal, Vegetable, Miracle by Barbara Kingsolver, was available at the library. So that’s what I’m focusing on now.

Current Playlist: I acquired Over the Rhine’s “Live From Nowhere Vol. 4”, and I’m also dying to get my hands on Sandra McCracken’s newest collection of redone hymns, “In Feast Or Fallow”.

Current Shame-Inducing Guilty Pleasure: Nothing really at the moment, but ask me tomorrow and I may have a different answer.

Current Color: I chose Glidden’s Water Chestnut as the neutral for most of the house. Here’s an example of it from Young House Love:

Current Drink: The state of my teeth and mouth being somewhat painful and precarious, I am unable at this point to partake of my staple food of cereal. Instead, I’ve been drinking Slim-Fast for breakfast this past week, which is surprisingly good. Just the chocolate though; the strawberry makes me gag.Current Food: The Signature tomato basil soup from Randall’s has been my go-to meal lately. It tastes just as good cold as hot, and I feel like I could eat it over and over forever.

Current Favorite Show: Still Dancing With the Stars, although now that we have Netflix streaming on Wii a whole new world of possibilities has opened up. Some shows on our queue include Glee, 30 Rock, and Dexter.

Current Wishlist: The main thing I wish for right now, realistically, is for people to just show up at my house and finish painting it. I have all these high aspirations to decorate my house but I find it very hard to follow through.

Current Needs: I need a break from constant pain, and to feel completely healthy again.

Current Triumphs: I got my wisdom teeth removed and I didn’t take ANY time off work! Although I’ve had my moments of misery, I’m so happy it’s over with and I can use my paid time off for something more fun. :)

Current Bane(s) of my Existence: The wisdom teeth are gone, but the after effects are lingering. The worst is when I’m at work and my mouth and face are throbbing and I’m unable to take a Vicodin.

Current Celebrity Crush: Ever since I saw Kristin Chenoweth in Promises Promises on Broadway she’s been my new fascination. I’m in love with her voice, and she’s adorable.

Current Indulgence: Andes mints. They’re the only real chocolate we have around the house right now, so when the cravings hit I can’t seem to resist.

Current Blessing(s): I know nine time out of ten I say my husband, but it’s just so true. He’s taken such good care of me, bought me flowers, not complained about my lack of cooking lately, and helped out with the chores. I’d be a mess without him.

Current Outfit: Here’s what I’m wearing today, which is pretty common for my days off (please excuse the dirty mirror):

Current Excitement: I’m working on some changes to the blog including a new review section and an overhaul of my categories, and I have a chiropractor appointment next week to discuss natural health and nutrition that I’ve been long anticipating.

Current Link: Here’s an Amazon list of classic, new, and forgotten gothic novels. The description reads: “Ah the gothic, where the house is as much a character as the characters and the damsel may or may not be in distress.” I pretty much need to read all of these!

Happy May!

Posted in: personal, currently, personal

Comments on Currently In May

  1. 1

    From Emily Jane:

    Did you see the Glee episodes with Kristen? Her voice is wonderful!

    I had to live off Slim Fast when I had my tonsils out – and I agree, the strawberry is totally gag-worthy :( Feel better soon love!

  2. 2

    From kapachino:

    I haven’t seen any episodes of Glee yet, but I heard she was on it so now I want to watch it even more!

  3. 3

    From Tabaitha:

    I loved her on Glee. She has a mighty voice for such a tiny lady.

  4. 4

    From nic:

    I loved AVM. It had a big impact on me when I read it a couple years ago. And I love that quote regarding gothic lit!

    Hope you’re feeling better!

  5. 5

    From Kyla Roma:

    I’m sorry to hear that you’re not all mended up yet! I recommend Vanilla slim fast, and I’m thinking about you =)

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