Forgive me the title. I couldn’t resist.
I’ve mentioned before that I’m a brand enthusiast & ambassador for Nintendo through Brand About Town, and this weekend they helped me host a party for some of my friends and family to celebrate the new Netflix streaming for Wii. Did you know that you can instantly stream thousands of Netflix movies through your Wii with only a disc, that they send you for free? Well you can, and seriously, do it. It rocks.
Do you know what else rocks? Being a Nintendo enthusiast. Since I agreed to host this party (I know, it was a HUGE imposition) a super fun package showed up in the mail. Popcorn, candy (everything except the Junior Mints made it through the heat; RIP Junior Mints), a bunch of Wii points cards to use and give away, a subscription to Netflix, and a Flip video camera to record the event were all included. So thanks to them, my friends now think I’m way cooler than I actually am.
Once everyone showed up we feasted on Los Cucos, our favorite local Tex-Mex joint.

And then there was the delicious, delicious candy. I think I ate all the Raisinettes myself. I’m really not kidding.

If that wasn’t enough, my friend Maggie brought over cupcakes from Sprinkles. You can tell we enjoy our food over here.

Eventually I tore everyone away from the grub and started the gaming. First we went with Dr. Mario, which I chose based purely on nostalgia, since I spent so many of my formative years playing it. Then we moved on to TV Show King 2, which is a fun game show trivia game that everyone could play. Some of us might have gotten a bit competitive, and some of us might have named their character “Nugget.”

After all the gaming excitement we went to the Netflix website and chose the perfect movie: Raising Arizona. Most people are surprised to learn that our dog Eddie is a girl, but her name is short for Edwina, and this movie contains her namesake. We’re big Coen brothers fans around here.
All too soon, the night was over. But the fun is only beginning! (Nice cliché, am I right?) First of all, check out the video I made of the party. I am pretty proud that I did it all by myself. Be warned that a lot of attention is paid to the cupcakes.
And since I have this awesome video camera now, be prepared for lots more future video randomness. You’re welcome.
Guess what else? I totally have an extra Nintendo points card to give away. Good for the Wii or DSi, it has 2000 points which can get you 2-3 games, depending on how you budget. There are two ways to enter: leave a comment on this post, or tweet about the giveaway making sure to mention me (@kapachino) so I know you entered, or post a link to your tweet in your comment. I’ll draw for a winner on Friday night!
Oh, and y’all? Video games are totally not just for geeks.
From Carolina:
How fun! I’m a nintendo fan from way back, I just lack the skills to be an actual good video gamer, lol. But it’s still a blast!
I loved your little video! It made me want to dance – and eat cupcakes ;) And you’ve got such a beautiful smile – I look forward to more fun videos :)
All my best to you,
From CW:
I am a HUGE Coen Bros fan too and Raising Arizona is one of my faves. I just love Holly Hunter and her accent! Love Nintendo too–we used to have a Wii when they first came out but we sold it when we moved across the country. Since then I’ve been playing Yoshi’s Island on DS2–it’s not as good as the Super Nintendo Yoshi’s Island though!
From Jen:
How fun! I bought a Wii for the SOLE purpose of being able to stream Netflix! … Unfortunately, something is ridiculously wrong with my DSL and it constantly has to buffer and it takes forever. What a bummer!
Looks like your party was fun!
From David, The Rainmaker:
I totally need another 2000 points. Rig this entry for me!
From Scott:
Go team Mango – undisputed Show King 2 Champions!
From Zane:
Oh man. Why aren’t there more Wii parties with candy and Cucos?! It’s all xbox and subway over here.
Little jealous over here, but I’ll feel better if I score some Wii points.
From Zane:
Also I repeated over here more often than I intended to over here. I’m feeling mob bossy.
From Emily Jane:
The Cleo pic is priceless :) And now I want a Wii party!! I will also definitely be watching your vid. when I get home tonight! :)
From MelissaOklahoma:
Fun! Raisinettes are my absolute favorite candy.
From steph anne:
Looks like you were a fabulous host to a fun party!!! Cupcakes from Sprinkles are daaangerous!
From Chelsea:
I want to get the original Mario Bros. on my Wii! That’s my favorite game!
From Nora:
(don’t count this as an entry!)
Those cupcakes look amazing; I also ate most of the raisinettes that were sent to me, how could one not!? I’m glad you had a fun time at your party. It would be super awesome if we could get all the Nintendo Ambassadors/Enthusisasts together for an event, don’t you think!? We should plant that bug in their ear :)
From kapachino:
For sure! We would have a totally nerdy/fun time. :)
From Ashley:
the picture of your dog is hilarious. plus those cupcakes pretty much have me drooling. need a trip to the kitchen now…
From Uncle David:
Hi Kat,
Glad you had a good time. Nice to know some Stagg’s have social skills. Without Marchar I’d be a hermit. Don’t count this as an entry, I don’t have a Wii, give it to a deserving nerd.
From tillie:
I totally want the wii points!!!!! I <3 downloading all the old games to my wii!!!
From Tabaitha:
So fun! Just bought Just Dance and love it. Great fun for everyone. Btw, I’m in town for the next month and would love to see you!
From Laura T.:
The party sounds so fun! Los Cucos is yummy, but I am so excited that a Lupe Tortilla is opening soon in Katy! The fajitas there are my favorite. I’m going to have to check out Sprinkles, the cupcakes look wonderful. :)