Currently In August

August 2, 2010

Current Book(s): I just started A Handmaid’s Tale by Margaret Atwood. It was my pick for book club, and even though I wouldn’t normally choose a dystopian novel I’ve heard so many good things about this one that I couldn’t pass it up.

Current Playlist: I follow one of my favorite musicians (& celebrity crush), Derek Webb, on Twitter. He recently recommended Thad Cockrell, and I was able to snag his recent record To Be Loved for free on Noisetrade. It’s been a long time since I’ve loved an album this much on the first listen. The album is still available, but only through this week!

Current Shame-Inducing Guilty Pleasure: Since I’m basically letting David have control of the TV, we have been watching a lot of “guy” movies that I wouldn’t normally choose…and I kind of like it. Just don’t tell him.

Current Color: I used to never wear any gold jewelry, and I didn’t really like it. But lately I’m seeing more and more of it that catches my eye, and I think I’m ready to try it out.

Current Drink: I still basically only drink water and coffee, but I did have a smoothie the other day: a Caribbean Way from Smoothie King. The best.

Current Food: When David went into the hospital my mom set up a program with the members of our church where someone brings us dinner every other day for a few weeks. This is a fantastic idea! So far we have had barbecue, tortilla soup, Chinese, quesadillas, and a constant stream of brownies.

Current Favorite Show: As I mentioned before, I started Glee and it is my newest obsession. If only I didn’t have to wait two days in between discs!

Current Wishlist: Money-wise, our budget is on lockdown until we get through all these medical bills. It’s actually freeing, because I don’t even have to think about whether I’m going to buy something or not. I just can’t. And since I’m also on a quest to live a simpler life, I’m learning about what I can do without and how to use what I have. All this to say that even though I keep up my wish list, I’m not really thinking about it.

Current Needs: We need to do a better job of saving up money for emergencies. This is going to be a huge priority for us once things calm down a bit. (Also, I’m kind of desperate for summer clothes; I’ve been wearing the same two sundresses over and over.

Current Triumphs: The only thing that really comes to mind is that I asked for, and received, a second week off work. Normally I would have gone back out of guilt, but something was telling me that I needed to cut myself a little slack and relax. I’m very proud that I listened to that something, and a lot happier too. :)

Current Bane(s) of my Existence: The sweltering heat. I’ve been running and playing soccer again, but there is no time to do it when it’s not at least 90 degrees outside. This has led to some serious discomfort, as well as some unneeded headaches.

Current Celebrity Crush: David and I watched Fargo, one of our favorite movies, last night and I was reminded of my love for Frances McDormand. She’s pretty much perfection in everything she does.

Current Indulgence: I’m on vacation! My life is one big indulgence.

Current Blessing(s): David is doing better and better every day. We love each other no matter what, and we are excited about the start of what will amount to a brand new life together. :)

Current Outfit: Shorts, tank top, and hoodie all from Gap Body. I love the clothes there because they are super soft and comfortable.

Current Excitement: I’m looking forward to every single moment of this week. Reading, movies, time with David, going to the spa, taking the dogs to the dog park, and free food!

Current Link: Even though I’m not a mom (yet!), I find Simple Mom incredibly useful. It’s inspiring me to be more of the person I want to be.

Happy August!

Images: * * * *

Posted in: personal, currently, personal

Comments on Currently In August

  1. 1

    From Nora:

    I love that members from your church are bringing you food every few days; that’s incredibly sweet and thoughtful!

    Frances McDormand rocks. I assume you’ve seen her in “Friends with Money?” and in “Something’s Gotta Give,” which is probably my favorite role she plays! Oh, and Almost Famous. Yeah, she’s pretty versatile and rocks.

    Glad David is doing better and that you’re enjoying vacation!

  2. 2

    From Ann:

    Hi Kathleen! I have some summer clothes that I’m getting rid of in preparation for an upcoming move. They’re cute, and I’d love to send them to you if they’ll fit you. I wear a size 4-6. I was just going to take them to Goodwill, but I’d rather send them to you if they’ll work. Email me with your address if you’re interested. Hugs.

  3. 3

    From LG:

    Hey! Love that necklace…where is it from?

    Praying for you guys with this cycle…hoping you have been able to give yourself some good “self care” too. Also praying for your husband’s speedy recovery.

  4. 4

    From kapachino:

    The necklace is a picture I found on someone else’s blog, and she made it. Too bad it’s not for sale!

  5. 5

    From dadman:

    I seem to remember telling you how much you’d like Glee also. Better late than never.

  6. 6

    From Elizabeth:

    That’s one of my favorite books! I hope you love it as much as I did–it was a somewhat painful read, but I was thinking about it long after I was done.

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