Currently In January

January 4, 2011

New year!

Current Book(s): I’m reading The Corrections by Jonathan Franzen and am loving every word. I can tell he’s one of those authors that I’m going to make a point to read all his stuff.

Current Playlist: Lots of audiobooks for now, but this month I’m going to try to spend more time listening to worship music.

Current Shame-Inducing Guilty Pleasure: I don’t know what possessed me, but for some reason I started following People Magazine on Twitter and now I’m becoming a little bit obsessed with celebrity gossip. The other day I correctly named Hugh Hefner’s new fiancé from memory and my husband did a double take. “Who are you?” he asked.

Current Color: I just bought these shoes the other day, and I realized that olive green is the perfect color for shoes. I love them.

Current Drink: For the most part I’m just concentrating on getting enough water, but the other day I decided that an Orange Crush was exactly what I needed. I downed that thing so fast, and I hardly ever drink soda. Since then David has kept our fridge stocked with it, although I haven’t had the same craving since then!

Current Food: At this point I’m still dealing with nausea that hits me out of nowhere, so I have to be careful what I eat. For breakfast every morning I have two pieces of buttered toast or oatmeal and a huge Red Delicious apple or yogurt. Anything apple flavored, actually, tastes good. I will make an entire meal out of applesauce these days.

Current Favorite Show: I’m usually only ever watching one show at a time through Netflix, and these days it’s Mad Men. I’m a few episodes into season 2 and enjoying it.

Current Wishlist: I’m really quite content with what I have these days, although I still could use a few new pairs of boots. Oh, and I would like to find an all-natural mascara that actually works.

Current Needs: I need to start working on my happiness project, which will include exercising (lightly) and decluttering. More to come on that.

Current Triumphs: I know I’ve mentioned this on Twitter and probably here too, but y’all, I’m actually good at starting IV’s now. I haven’t had to ask for help in weeks, and today a patient called me a pro!

Current Bane(s) of my Existence: Bills! It is amazing to me how the medical bills keep piling up. Just when I think we’ve gotten them all, another one comes in. We are focusing hard this year on paying off our debts, and hopefully these will be knocked out within a few months!

Current Celebrity Crush: The other week I got sucked into a marathon of Keeping Up With the Kardashians. (I mean…who am I becoming??) I had only seen glimpses of the show before, and now, unexplainably, I have developed somewhat of a crush on Kris Jenner, the girls’ mom. Yes she may be ridiculous sometimes, but she’s also kind of fabulous…right?

Current Indulgence: First trimester is a bit rough, so I’ve been lax with myself on some things. I’m eating gluten and carbs when I feel like it (not as often as I used to) and I’m eating meat every once in awhile, nothing too crazy, and usually it’s because someone else cooked it for me. I also go to sleep between 7 and 8 p.m. every night which is fantastic.

Current Blessing(s): My husband who runs all my errands,

Current Outfit: I completely fail at taking pictures of my outfits, but I’m wearing a chunky beige striped sweater, skinny jeans, and knitted boots. The sweater David bought me for Christmas, the jeans were a great find at Target, and the boots (more like slippers, but who’s judging?) I’ve had for years.

Current Excitement: By the end of this month I’ll be out of the first trimester!

Current Link: Do you know about Grooveshark? Listen to almost anything online, just search for it. You can also create playlists.

Happy January, and happy 2011!

Posted in: personal, currently, personal

Comments on Currently In January

  1. 1

    From Megan:

    KRIS JENNER?!?!?!?!

    Oh, Kathleen. Now I’M nauseous. If any of the Kardashians are crush-worthy, it’s definitely Khloe, who is probably legally insane… but also sort of awesome. But, Kris?! No no no no no no no.

    Who knew you felt this way? We could have debated over dinner.

    Having seen your current outfit today, I forgot to say, you looked really cute. Love the sweater. Good job, David.

  2. 2

    From kapachino:

    Ha! Well, let me say that I have only seen a few episodes of the show. And I have always had a thing for older women. ;)

  3. 3

    From S.:

    Yay for Jonathan Franzen! You’ll have to do read Freedom next. So good!

  4. 4

    From kapachino:

    It’s definitely on my list!

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    From Nora:

    Um, how did I miss the fact that you’re having a baby!? This is so exciting. I’m so happy for you!!!!!!! (like, there are not enough exclamation points in the world to express how happy I am for you!!!!!!) I still need to start Mad Men Season 1. I own it for goodness sake. I think I’m a bit of a TV show hoarder….

  6. 6

    From kapachino:

    Ha! I haven’t been super outspoken about it, but it looks like this one is going to stick around. :) Thanks for your enthusiasm!

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    From mediumcrazy:

    Hi Kathleen! I’m happy that you’re catching up on Mad Men. I just started The Good Wife, but I don’t think anything can compare to Mad Men. OH and I can tell you the Tarte Lights Camera Lashes mascara REALLY works. And I have the corrections in a pile somewhere but wasn’t sure about it, so you’ve motivated me to add it to my list.

  8. 8

    From kapachino:

    I’m looking for an all-natural mascara, but I’m pretty sure I tried one that Tarte makes. I only had a sample, but I think I’m going to buy a full tube and really test it out!

  9. 9

    From Kim Forbes:

    I am loving who you are becoming…people magazine, the kardashians, skinny jeans! You are a girl after my own heart :)

  10. 10

    From Jessica:

    I LOVE my Toms shoes. I have them in gray and they are beyond comfortable. Wish it was warmer here so I could wear them more.

  11. 11

    From Megan:

    I’ve been wanting some Toms for so long! I’ll have to order a pair soon.

    So exciting that you’re almost at the end of your first trimester!!

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