Good Things: July

August 1, 2011

July was crazy, but somehow I managed to keep up with my list of one good thing each day:

1 – Dinner with Bryan & Misti

2 – Shopping with Mom

3 – Lunch with Maggie R.

4 – Making brownies on a whim with David

5 – Starting an IV on a 95-year-old lady on the first try, carpal tunnel and all

6 – Crawling back into bed with David for a few extra minutes before work

7 – Getting a package in the mail

8 – Dinner at my parents’ house

9 – Seeing Super 8 with David

10 – Getting the house clean, even the bathtub

11 – David coming to my doctor’s appointment and talking on the way home

12 – My in-laws bringing a delicious dinner and seeing my nephew Lucas for the first time in two weeks

13 – David cleaning and having dinner waiting for me when I got home from a long work day

14 – Movie night with David

15 – Getting off work 3 hours early

16 – Finishing a cross stitch project for the nursery

17 – Fun book club meeting and reconnecting with a high school friend

18 – Harry Potter with Lauren

19 – Finally going into labor for real

20 – Meredith is born!

21 – A full day with Meredith

22 – Getting all needles and wires out, taking my first shower in three days

23 – Coming home from the hospital

24 – Birthday party for my dad and father-in-law

25 – Successful errands with Meredith and my mom

26 – First sit-down dinner as a family of three

27 – Getting a glowing report for Meredith by the pediatrician

28 – Delicious dinner from Clydell

29 – Catching up on TV shows

30 – A full day of visitors followed by a low-key movie night with David

31 – Walking around the mall with David just to get out of the house


Posted in: personal

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