Good Things: August

September 1, 2011

August has been an excellent month. I didn’t have to work at all, got so much done around the house, and made lots of progress on this whole motherhood thing. It was easy to come up with one good thing each day!

1 – Organizing the nursery more thoroughly and getting my nails done

2 – Lots of relaxing and reading

3 – Newborn pics with Cio and going through the birth pics

4 – Watching David hold Meredith and sing her to sleep

5 – My mother-in-law meeting Meredith for the first time (she was out of town by necessity when M. was born)

6 – Making a Moby wrap and wearing Meredith in it successfully

7 – My MIL watching Meredith in the morning & letting me sleep in

8 – Visiting work with M. and going to the doctor

9 – A visit from my friend Elizabeth and her son Grayson

10 – Taking M. to see David at work

11 – Dessert night with David’s family

12 – Meredith’s first bath

13 – Making progress on organizing the office to the point that I actually like spending time there now

14 – Church meeting

15 – First time out running errands with M. alone; successful pumping

16 – Shopping at Hobby Lobby

17 – Starting the TV show Prison Break with David

18 – Meredith was especially alert & calm and drank a little from the bottle

19 – My friend Maggie R. bringing me lunch

20 – Crafting club

21 – Sleeping in way late with David & Meredith

22 – Watching a movie in bed

23 – Lots of smiles from M.

24 – Meal planning done

25 – Cooking dinner for the first time in a LONG time

26 – Productivity: addressing wedding invites, crafting, meal planning, blogging

27 – M. starting cloth diapers; decorating & organizing the nursery some more

28 – Going to church for the first time in almost two months; a visit from my friend Carmen and her fiance Steve who live in Austin

29 – My brother Barry coming over to hang out

30 – Discovering a new children’s consignment store just blocks away

31 – Barry’s birthday dinner with the family

Posted in: personal

Comments on Good Things: August

  1. 1

    From tillie:

    LOVE this post…I am going to start keeping track since I think so often we forget the good and only remember the bad.

  2. 2

    From Stephany:

    Copied this idea from you, as you saw, because I loved it so much. It was so much fun remembering the good moments of each day! It’s going to be a fun way to track Meredith as she grows, too!

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