How My Husband Plays With the Baby

October 18, 2011

The other night while I was taking a shower and my husband was in charge of Meredith, he found the video camera. We thought it was broken, and had recently just discovered that it only needed new batteries. (We are really smart. And actually, HE is the one that realized that plugging the camera in with the USB wouldn’t recharge the rechargeable batteries, which is what I was trying to do.) Anyway, the video camera was basically a new toy. And left alone with it, this is what happened.

That was David’s “Meredith” voice.

Metallica makes a lovely lullaby, don’t you think?

Posted in: motherhood

Comments on How My Husband Plays With the Baby

  1. 1

    From lauren:

    best. post. ever.

  2. 2

    From wishcake:

    Bahahahaha! This totally made my day! I love his “Meredith voice”…I have a feeling most men use the same voice for their babies, because it sounds strikingly similar to Jay’s “Eisley voice”. ;)

    You guys are the cutest. I love it.

  3. 3

    From Megan:

    LOVE this.

    (I use Google Chrome, and the videos are showing up for me.)

  4. 4

    From Stephany:

    This may be my favorite post ever. HA! I love David’s Meredith voice. So cute!

    (Also, the videos show up for me in Chrome, as well.)

  5. 5

    From Becky:

    Hahahahaha oh my gosh I love it!

  6. 6

    From Megan:


    I’m going to watch them again now…

  7. 7

    From jessica STRUBLE v.:

    haha too cute. i love when daddys act goofy!!

  8. 8

    From Stefanie:

    Those cheeks! Oh my goodness – how sweet is she! Oh and your hubby is pretty funny too! :)

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