meredith’s nursery

October 11, 2011

I’m finally ready to share the nursery pictures! It took me awhile to get it “finished,” and then I took these pictures weeks ago when I was still on maternity leave, but due to computer issues I’ve just now been able to get them posted.

I’m not any kind of designer, but I like Meredith’s room and I feel very happy when I spend time there with her. I didn’t have a plan going in, but as it turned out the colors are mostly pink, green, and brown with an earthy kind of element. We were definitely on a budget, and there are a few more things I’d like to add, but overall it’s pretty much done. For now.

Here we have the rocking chair that belonged to my father from when he was a bachelor. It’s maybe not the prettiest piece of furniture, but it is well-made and comfortable. Hung over it is a blanket made by my husband’s grandmother, who we call Gigi (great-grandmother).

The curtains are these from Target. Also from Target are the lamp/lampshade and the little clock.

I made these fabric circles myself and it was really easy. Just pick out some fabric, cut it, tighten it into an embroidery hoop, then glue the edges down. I used Sobo craft & fabric glue.

I cross stitched this little guy for Meredith while I was pregnant WITH carpal tunnel syndrome, so I’m kinda proud of it. I bought the pattern from the Etsy seller Sewingseed and customized the lettering myself.

The bookshelf is the Expedit from IKEA. The baskets are from Crate & Barrel. The picture frame was a gift, and that’s an iHome that glows different colors.

I don’t know why this picture turned out so terrible! But there’s Meredith’s teddy bear that Gigi also made for her and who appears in her monthly pictures. With him are also the sum total of all the children’s books we own. (This must be remedied, which is why I’ve created a massive wish list for her for Christmas and birthdays!) In the basket on the right is where extra toiletries and baby medication is kept for now.

In the bottom basket are accessories like hats and bows. I need to figure out a better way to store these. On the right are my pregnancy & parenting books. The little box stores a super adorable height tracker that I still need to hang up, given to me by one of my best friends.

Her crib is the Gulliver from IKEA. We didn’t go with any crib bedding, and I love the simplicity of it. (Also, she hasn’t used her crib yet.) The blanket hung over the side is made by my best friend Becca, and it kind of served as the inspiration for the whole nursery.

Marlena made the mobile, which I was so happy about! I had almost given up on getting a mobile at all, because I didn’t like the ones you can find in stores and the handmade ones were too expensive. I wasn’t about to make one myself, and then Marlena came over one day with this to give to me, and it even has fabric to match the blanket!

This is Gyffy. My youngest brother brought him to the hospital as a birthday gift for Meredith. He actually thought she’d be able to play with him a little bit right away, but we had to explain that she won’t be interested for a little while. :) But my nephews love him and bring him out every time they come over! I think he’s adorable, so he’s got himself a permanent spot in the nursery.

These are three prints of Charleston, SC that we bought when we were visiting my aunt and uncle when I was seven months pregnant. Good memories.

We replaced the doors to the closet with curtains for easy access. I just put up a tension rod and some simple white curtains from Target. They are a little bit long but hemming them is so not a priority. On the back of the door I hung two Command hooks for Meredith’s hooded towels.

The closet already had these built-in shelves when we moved in. Usually we leave the curtains open, so this is what that corner looks like most of the time.

To the left of the shelves in the closet there is a bar for hanging (tiny, adorable) clothes.

On the very top shelf I put things we don’t need, aren’t using, or need to return. Next comes all her stuffed animals that she’s not interested in yet.

Here we have her memory box and some extra wipes for daycare. Underneath that is clothes that she’s already outgrown (sob) and a basket and bag of toys.

The bottom shelf of the closet has extra bottles and tote bags. That’s her hamper to the left. (Please ignore the rip in the carpet. Tearing it up is something our crazy dog does when she gets anxious.)

Here is her dresser, the Hemnes again from IKEA. I love it; it feels very substantial, comes with cute drawer liners, and has tons of space. It’s also the perfect height to serve as a changing table, which is what that pink pad is for. The bag hanging off one of the knobs contains the most commonly used extra items like diaper cream, baby hair brush, and fingernail clippers. Overall this is the one area that doesn’t quite seem “finished” to me. The wall overhead needs more on it, I think.

To the right of the dresser you can see our hanging wet bag, which is where the dirty diapers go.

But I do love what we have on the wall, this beautiful “M” made with handsewn buttons onto a silky pink fabric. I bought it from Etsy seller Letter Perfect Designs. The frame is one I found at Hobby Lobby for 50% off. :)

Here is our wipes station. I know a wipes warmer is one of those things everyone says you don’t need, but we had one given to us and we use it as a dispenser for disposable wipes and I really, really like it. Even though we have been using cloth wipes (those in the basket) for the past few weeks and are going to stick to that, we still have the warmer out filled with natural wipes for when we have to use a diaper cream + liner. The green bottle is the solution we spray on the cloth wipes, and the clear bottle is hand sanitizer.

I figured I might as well go all out and show you every detail of the nursery, so here’s what’s inside the dresser drawers! These are the small cloth diapers we’re using right now (Fuzzibunz perfect size) .

Some more diapers and supplies, plus the mediums that she doesn’t fit in yet. The right top drawer has bibs and socks, plus some baking soda that I sprinkle in the hanging wet bag every so often to keep the smell down.

The middle left drawer has diaper inserts and sleep sacks (she hasn’t used those yet).

Middle right drawer contains onesies, pajamas, and a few outfits.

Bottom left drawer is full of blankets and burp cloths (people like to give you those).

And the bottom right drawer has Boppy covers, changing pad covers, crib sheets, and miscellaneous baby slings and carriers.

That’s all of it! Other than the carpet really needing to be replaced, I’m very happy with it. At some point I’ll probably add some more things to the wall above the dresser, too. Anyway, let me know if you have any questions or comments!

Posted in: home, motherhood

Comments on meredith’s nursery

  1. 1

    From Tabaitha:

    Love it!

  2. 2

    From Cait:

    I really love the color combination! It’s girly without being overly so.

  3. 3

    From Becca:

    Very cute!

  4. 4

    From Becky:

    Great nursery!

  5. 5

    From Tonya:

    So perfect and organized. Love it!

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    From rachieannie:

    Cute! And I LOVE LOVE LOVE your cross stitch owl! Nice job! Did you put the date on right away or wait until she was born?

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    From Holly:

    I love posts like this! Your nursery is beautiful – and so organized! I felt relaxed just looking at the pictures :)

  8. 8

    From Stefanie:

    The nursery is beautiful! It’s great inspiration if I one day have a little girl. You did a great job!

  9. 9

    From Suzanne:

    So sweet! I love that you shared every little detail! :)

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