Good Things: October

November 2, 2011

I love October for the beginning of fall and the holiday season, our anniversary, and the arrival of decent weather. We had a good month, and I am no less excited for November!


1 – Watching Bridesmaids with David while Meredith sleeps in my arms

2 – Movie at Alamo Drafthouse with David

3 – Our three-year anniversary; family walk in beautiful weather

4 –  Successfully completing a very busy day without feeling overwhelmed

5 – A PA overhearing my interaction with a patient and saying, “That should have been filmed as a commercial for Methodist.”

6 –  Los Cucos with Vanessa, Lucas, & Alice

7 – Waking up to all of us, even Cleo, huddled together on the bed and David with his hand on Meredith

8 –  Catching up on TV shows

9 – Celebrating our anniversary by seeing Over the Rhine in concert

10 – First day of charge nurse training going well

11 – I didn’t die driving home with a 103 degree fever

12 – Visiting Uncle Ralph and introducing him to Meredith

13 – Uncle David and Marchar coming into town

14 – David and Maggie’s rehearsal dinner

15 – David and Maggie’s wedding!

16 – Meredith being good and sleeping through the whole church service

17 – Dinner at my in-laws’ house

18 – Dinner at Scott’s with Nathan; my nephew Lucas holding Meredith

19 – Family over and David getting us all soup for dinner

20 – Being able to leave work early

21 – Meredith laughs for Mom for the first time

22 – Bookstore & Target outing with David

23 – Lots of good blog work

24 – La Leche League meeting with Sara

25 – Dinner at my in-laws’ house (we do this a lot and it’s always a highlight)

26 – Hearing Meredith babble a whole lot

27 – An idea for changing up book club

28 – Pumping going really well

29 – Hearing Meredith laugh for the first time; dinner with great-grandparents

30 – Zoo & beautiful weather

31 – Dressing up Meredith for Halloween


Don’t forget to enter my giveaway for 25 free cards from Shutterfly! It closes on Monday, November 7.

Posted in: personal

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