101 Goals in 1001 Days: Wrap-Up

January 18, 2012

I started this project on April 22, 2009 and it ends today. I did not complete all of my goals, in fact some of them I intentionally did not complete, but I enjoyed the experience tremendously. Many things I wouldn’t have accomplished or experienced otherwise.

All in all, I completed 65 out of 101 goals, which I think is pretty good. Several more goals are in process, many don’t really apply to my life right now, and some of them just aren’t a priority at this time.

I don’t plan to make a new list right now. Goals really work for me though, so I’m thinking about what to do next. I might make a list for the first year of my 30’s, or maybe I’ll start monthly goals. Not sure, but I’m looking forward to figuring it out.

Here’s my final list. Items in bold are completed, items in italics are still in process.


1. Shop at a farmer’s market.
2. Cook dinner once a week for a month. (4/4)
3. Cook something with my Crockpot.
4. Be a vegetarian for a month.
5. Make David’s lunch three times a week for a month. (4/4)
6. Compile a recipe book of go-to meals.


7. Do a bike race.
8. Run another 5k.
9. Join a yoga studio.
10. Do a Wii Fit body test once a week for twelve weeks. (12/12)
11. Buy a nice pedometer and wear it at work.
12. Buy ankle weights and start wearing them at work twice a week.


13. Spend an entire day at the spa.
14. Buy three new pairs of heels. (3/3)
15. Drink 64 oz. of water a day for a week.
16. Find the perfect mascara.
17. Get my teeth whitened.
18. Transition to all-natural personal care products.
19. Try microdermabrasion.


20. Pay off my credit card bill.
21. Put at least $1000 in my IRA.
22. Refinance the house.
23. Transfer my old 401k.
24. Implement a system for David and I to save our change.


25. Back up all of my computer files. 
26. Learn CSS/HTML/PHP well enough to design and run my website independently.
 Intentionally not completed.
27. Sell something on eBay.

28. Do a video blog post.
29. Spend a week without internet, except email once a day.


30. Become oncology certified.
31. Take the charge nurse class.
32. Take the preceptor class.

33. Get promoted.
34. Get ACLS certified.
35. Thoroughly research nurse practitioner programs in the area and decide whether or not to enroll.


36. Watch all of the movies that have won Best Picture. (43/83 – List)
37. Track down this classical piece by Mendelssohn that I used to own but lost, and only know the melody to.
38. Read 5 Pulitzer Prize winning books that I haven’t read. (3/5) – Olive KitteridgeMiddlesexGilead
39. Read 5 books of David’s recommendation. (3/5) – And the Sea Will Tell, Columbine, Losing Our Religion
40. Participate in a blog reading challenge and post reviews for every book read.
41. Attend a Messiah sing-a-long.
42. Take another class from Leisure Learning Unlimited.
43. Obtain or transcribe the clarinet sheet music for “Desperate For Love” by Over the Rhine.
44. See another live musical. – Wonderland (also saw many others!)


45. Eat Sunday brunch at Birraporetti’s again.
46. Walk the Kemah boardwalk.
47. Go to another Dynamo game.
48. Go to a Texans game.
49. Drive through River Oaks at Christmas.
50. Go to Dickens on the Strand.
51. Visit SeaWorld and do the penguin encounter.
52. See the Beer Can House.
53. Visit the Orange Show monument.


54. Go camping again.
55. Change passport to married name.
56. Go saltwater fishing with David.
57. Take David to Tabor’s homecoming.
58. Stay in a bed & breakfast.
59. Take David to visit my aunt and uncle in South Carolina.


60. Paint the entire front half of the house.
61. Set up a writing desk in the front room.
62. Sell/give away/donate all the books I don’t need or want.
63. Plant something.
64. Get the carpet replaced.
65. Have the locks changed so they all open with a single key.
66. Get all the electrical outlets working again.
67. Set up a fully-functional and decorated dining room.
68. Obtain a vacuum cleaner.
69. Refinish my old desk chair.
70. Get the drywall in the bathroom ceiling replaced if needed. – Turns out the drywall wasn’t affected by the leak in our attic! Hurrah, one less project to spend time and money on.
71. Buy 5 original/handmade art/craft pieces from local creators to display in our home. (0/5)


72. Write David a list of 100 things I love about him.
73. Babysit my new nephew.
74. Get pregnant.
75. Send 10 ‘just because’ cards. (7/10) – Lauren P., Jennifer W., Lauren A., Stephany R., Tabaitha K., Erin S., Grandma
76. Hand write a letter to my Australian pen pal.
77. Host a game night.
78. Give David 5 random love cards. (1/5)
79. Send out timely Christmas cards.
80. Attend my 10-year high school reunion.


81. Donate blood once a quarter. (9/9)
82. Register to be a bone marrow donor.
83. Start using reusable shopping bags.
84. Send Mary, the child we sponsor in Uganda, a picture of us.
85. Make an achievable plan of steps to take to have a more environmentally friendly life.


86. Finish a cross-stitch project. – See it in Meredith’s nursery.
87. Complete NaBloPoMo.
88. Make and send birthday cards to everyone on my birthday list for three months.
89. Make an inspiration board.
90. Have a custom stamp made.
91. Take a sewing class.


92. Memorize Philippians 3.
93. Complete the Biblica New Testament challenge.
94. Fast for 24 hours and evaluate.
95. Be a regular at a women’s Bible study.
96. Complete a Beth Moore Bible study with homework (on my own with downloaded sessions or live). – The Beloved Disciple


97. Buy another leash and walk the dogs simultaneously.
98. Get new windshield wipers for my truck.
99. Become a true fan of the Texans by following every game and discussing with David.
100. Complete a New York Times crossword puzzle without help.
101. Compile a list of favorite quotes.

Posted in: personal, goals

Comments on 101 Goals in 1001 Days: Wrap-Up

  1. 1

    From Amanda:

    Congratulations! I finished my first one in September so I’m about 4 months into my second. I’m kind of addicted to this thing, ha! Great list :)

  2. 2

    From Holly:

    Oh man do I love posts like this. I’m such a giant goal nerd! Great measurable items and it looks like you were super successful! Excited to see the next chapter.

  3. 3

    From Suburban Sweetheart:

    Dude. You did an AMAZING job!

  4. 4

    From Jennifer O:

    How’d you like the Kemah Boardwalk?

    Obtain a vacuum cleaner? What did you do before you had one?!

    My vacuum cleaner band broke about a week and a half ago and I can’t stop sneezing. Have GOT to get a replacement this evening.

  5. 5

    From kapachino:

    Kemah was cute and fun! I do recommend for a day trip. :)

    We had just moved in to our house when I made this list, so before that I didn’t need a vacuum. Now I really want a new one!

  6. 6

    From Laura:

    Wow! Great job!

  7. 7

    From Manda:

    Just browsing your blog…this is such a fantastic idea for blogging and life. Thanks for the inspiration.

  8. 8

    From kapachino:

    Thank you! The 101 goals was a great motivator & inspiration for me. I’m taking a break now but I’m sure I’ll think of something new to do soon. :)

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