
February 26, 2012

We’ve had the most gorgeous sunsets here recently. Captured this one from my parents’ house on Friday.

Time // 9:10 a.m.
Place // at home in my office/craft room.
Eating // nothing at the moment.
Drinking // precious, precious coffee.
Watching // just finished season 2 of Parks & Recreation last night.
Reading // Bee Season by Myla Goldberg.
Wanting // new carpet, always.
Thinking // about all we have to do today.
Creating // last week’s Project Life.
Hoping // to incorporate my crafting on the blog.
Needing // to not be addicted to caffeine anymore.
Anticipating // the newcomer’s luncheon at the church we’ve been going to. And chocolate ice cream.


So I mentioned that I gave up coffee and chocolate for Lent, right? Well I’m five days in and I haven’t caved yet, but you guys it’s SO HARD. I am completely addicted to caffeine. I only have 1-2 cups of coffee a day but it hugely affects me immediately, and if I don’t have it I get pounding headaches. I couldn’t go cold turkey so I’ve been taking Excedrin daily. I mean, I have to wake up at 5 a.m. every day, drive an hour to work, and administer chemo. I started drinking coffee when I became a nurse and it’s what has helped me through to this day. I gave it up somehow when I was pregnant but now I don’t have the same kind of motivation. Oh, and chocolate is super hard to resist too, considering it’s basically the only type of sweet that I like. This is how I found myself drinking a Coke on Friday afternoon, which is rare for me.


I’ve been doing a lot of thinking about how I spend my time, and over the past week I’ve come to settle into a routine that I think will work for me. When I’m not at work I devote myself completely to Meredith until she falls asleep. Sometimes she enjoys playing independently and I’m able to do a little crafting. Then if there’s time before bed David and I have been watching a little TV together. On Saturdays I do the week’s chores, play with Meredith a ton, and still usually have time for hobbies. David does errands, and then Sunday is more of a family day. I do most of my reading for pleasure during the week here and there. One thing I still haven’t figured out is how to incorporate cooking into our daily lives. I feel like this will always be a struggle for me.


Project Life has really been great for me so far. It satisfies my urge to document life as well as work with my hands and doesn’t take too much time. It has renewed my interest in other crafts as well. I’ve also been doing some cross stitch, card making, and soon I hope to start embroidering as well. Eventually I may decide to learn how to knit, crochet, and sew, but one thing at a time. I want to start sharing these projects with you too, so look for that soon.


Time to get ready for church. Sundays are feast days during Lent (hence why I’ve had my morning coffee) and I’ve never loved them so much!

Posted in: personal, currently, personal

Comments on Currently

  1. 1

    From Lauren Michelle:

    I gave up fast food/junk food and soda. Soda’s not as hard yet, but I typically only get it when I get fast food (which is the hard one for me). So as long as I can keep myself away from Zaxby’s, which is the one I go to most, I should be good. My only exception is the Chick-Fil-A Caesar wrap, their fruit cup, and their parfait. I think those are the healthiest options on their menu and shouldn’t be too bad, so if I run out of food at work and need something quick, I’ll go to CFA and get one of those.

    Look forward to seeing your crafts! I love looking at projects people do. I’m so horrible at crafts, so part of it is looking on with envy, but mostly admiration. :)

  2. 2

    From Currently… Sunday, February 26 Edition:

    […] borrowing the idea for this post format from Kathleen who blogs over at Kapachino; I hope she doesn’t mind! I expect to be back in full blogging form with a review on Tuesday. […]

  3. 3

    From Kim (Sophisticated Dorkiness):

    I love Parks & Rec. It’s one of my favorite shows on tv right now. Good luck with the coffee fast. I don’t drink coffee, but I’ve noticed that if I don’t have my afternoon cup of tea, I end up tired and with a headache.

  4. 4

    From Ti:

    Hooray for prioritizing your family! Also, your job sounds emotionally difficult – is it? ave you written about it? I am going to search through your old posts right now!

  5. 5

    From kapachino:

    I think I wrote about my job back when I worked in inpatient, but I’ve since switched to outpatient with a more regular schedule. I kind of quit writing about it because patient privacy is a huge topic, and I’m now more visible to my coworkers and bosses online. It can be VERY emotionally difficult at times, but also VERY rewarding. I think switching to outpatient has lessened the difficult part and heightened the rewarding part. :)

  6. 6

    From SEL:

    Beautiful sunset! I may borrow this “currently” post idea, if that’s okay! :)

  7. 7

    From Nicole Schuman:

    It’s really true. Habits are really hard to break. But two thumbs up for you cause you’ve reached already 5 days. Keep up the good work! :)

  8. 8

    From Erin @ The Speckled Palate:

    Good for you for still staying away from coffee for Lent! I’d have a hard time with that… but then again, I was the girl who gave up Coke years ago and haven’t had many since that Lent. (So that’s a good thing, right?)

    I’m glad you are spending so much quality time with your family and that you’re thinking of incorporating crafts on your blog! I’m excited to see what you’ve been working on!

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