Good Things: January 2012

February 1, 2012

At the end of each day I write down at least one GOOD thing that happened, then I share them all here monthly.


1 – A quiet morning just Meredith and me, and an easy drive home from Irving where we spent NYE.

2 – David making dinner.

3 – Rocking Meredith to sleep and watching her just lie in my lap, doze, nurse, and smile.

4 – Prayer time while pumping & being filled with joy and peace.

5 – Dinner at Scott & Vanessa’s with the whole family.

6 – A patient (another RN) complimenting my needlestick technique, starting a difficult IV, and Meredith napping on my lap when I picked her up from Grammy’s house.

7 – The Texans winning their first playoff game on David’s birthday; my good friend Carmen’s wedding.

8 – Forbes birthday dinner (for David, my sister-in-law, and my nephew).

9 – Getting through the day as charge nurse without any problems; finishing and truly enjoying The Marrige Plot.

10 – An argument with David turning into a good conversation about how we can show our love better.

11 – The whole evening at home with David.

12 – Meredith’s milk experiment (giving less per feeding with snacks in between if needed) going well at daycare; David making Meredith laugh a lot before bed.

13 – Doing a crossword puzzle at lunch.

14 – Getting the house cleaned; Meredith napping in my lap.

15 – Going to a church that David and I both liked.

16 – A nice evening with David: sitting down to dinner together and helping each other with chores.

17 – Finishing a book; Meredith nursing to sleep in my lap (apparently this is one of my favorite things).

18 – My niece Lily was born! Ending the day with some paper crafting.

19 – Meredith actually swallowing a bite of banana.

20 – Relaxing on the couch with David; scrapbooking research.

21 – Brunch with my good friend Lauren at Happy Fatz.

22 – Mom’s birthday lunch with the whole family.

23 – Taking Meredith’s 6-month pictures & video – she was in such a good mood!

24 – Bell-ringing ceremony (for completing chemo) for one of my favorite patients.

25 – Slow day at work and being able to leave 2 hours early.

26 – Meredith falling asleep so quickly at night.

27 – Meredith laughing when I kissed her all over.

28 – Making a lot of progress organizing the craft room.

29 – Church legacy celebration.

30 – Putting Meredith’s hair in pigtails and seeing everyone’s reactions to how cute it is.

31 – Meredith playing in her crib alone and falling back asleep, providing me with time to work on my cross stitch project.

Posted in: personal

Comments on Good Things: January 2012

  1. 1

    From Cait:

    Sounds like a great month! I love babies/little girls with pigtails – it’s always so cute.

  2. 2

    From Sara:

    I love how you keep up with your daily appreciations! I just came across another blogger I had never read before and I was going back on her entries and saw this one post that made me think of you so I wanted to share! I don’t know if it’s something you would do, but I thought it was cute! =)

  3. 3

    From kapachino:

    Thanks so much for that link! It definitely has my head churning with ideas on what to do with my daily good things. A minibook like that might be fun!

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