
March 31, 2012

The weather has been so nice lately that we’ve taken to sitting out on the front lawn to relax. Meredith loves to play with (and eat) the leaves and grass and I love watching her. We’ve also already met several more neighbors this way!

Time // 9:16 a.m.
Place // at home in my office/craft room.
Eating // nada.
Drinking // water.
Watching // Meredith turn the baby gym upside down.
Reading // The Proper Care and Feeding of Marriage by Dr. Laura Schlessinger.
Wanting // a new printer and an updated copy of Photoshop Elements.
Thinking // about what a bummer it is that Meredith’s pediatrician is closing her practice.
Creating // some Easter cards.
Hoping // to purchase a starter kit of essential oils and begin using them for health purposes.
Needing // to change up our cloth diaper wash routine.
Anticipating // two days off next week, and being able to drink coffee & eat chocolate again soon!


This has been a very successful and productive week. After I wrote about my “goals” last week I did research and made plans and followed through. I joined Emeals, which I already love and know will make cooking do-able for me, and I cooked dinner twice this week and am planning on cooking tonight. (For the other nights we had leftovers or ate with family/friends.) I was also able to take the jogging stroller out for a run a few times, and I’ve completed week 1 of C25k and one day of week 2. It feels great to be exercising again. At work I was in charge for two days (which I hate doing, but we have to rotate the responsibility) and didn’t encounter any real problems. AND we ventured out to a small group for our new church!

Other things to note are that Meredith started somewhat waving goodbye to me in the morning – so cute! – and she also had some forward locomotion that we can finally call crawling! Right now it’s only one or two “steps” but she’s getting better at it every day.

Today I’m heading to my craft club and don’t have any other plans this weekend, so I hope to get some things done around the house! Have a great weekend, friends.

Posted in: personal, currently, personal

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