Good Things: February 2012

March 2, 2012

At the end of each day I write down at least one GOOD thing that happened, then I share them all here monthly.


1 – Meredith laughing and reaching for me when she first saw me come pick her up from daycare

2 – Time to relax alone with David

3 – My in-laws treating us to dinner; Meredith staring at me & smiling while rocking to sleep

4 – Brunch with Maggie, lots of crafting time, and dinner with my family

5 – A laid-back birthday, the card David gave me from Meredith, and balloons & cupcakes with his family

6 – David picking Meredith up from daycare and washing bottles & diapers before I got home

7 – Watching Parks & Rec with David and working on cross stitch

8 – Meredith laughing so much when I tickled her, cuddling Lily, and falling asleep while rocking Meredith

9 – A smooth day at work

10 – Getting my skills check-offs done at work; seeing my mom’s elderly neighbor Ruth with Meredith

11 – Picking out new clothes for Meredith & craft supply shopping; Meredith sleeping through the errands in the Ergo

12 – Church with Meredith in her new clothes, my brother-in-law Scott fixing our printer, and David making dinner

13 – Putting together my Valentine for David & thinking of all the reasons I love him

14 – David  picking up Meredith, cooking dinner, getting me treats (chocolate covered strawberries & ice cream), and watching Parks & Rec while cuddling

15 – An overall smooth day: on time to work, to leave, and to bed

16 – My meeting being canceled, playing games with Meredith and making her laugh, and finishing the night by reading magazines in silence

17 – Leaving work early

18 – Discovering Paper Source; cuddling with David and watching TV

19 – Amazing worship in church, getting caught up on Project Life, and lots of Meredith time

20 – Taking a bath with Meredith

21 – Doing chores with David and getting some down time

22 – Very easy work day

23 – Comforting Meredith after her vaccines, and how happy she was a few seconds later

24 – Not letting the rude patient get to me

25 – Meredith laughing at Peekaboo; her napping  on me twice

26 – Coffee! David playing with and asking me all about my scrapbooking supplies

27 – Going to bed at 8 pm

28 – Meredith reaching for me when she saw me after work

29 – My first headache-free no-caffeine day

Posted in: personal

Comments on Good Things: February 2012

  1. 1

    From Suburban Sweetheart:

    Glad you’re getting used to going without caffeine. Now if only I could do the same…

    And I LOVE Meredith’s little ponytail!

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